5-The ritual

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Taiyang Xiao Long had stayed up late getting Zwei shipped to Beacon and he finally got home only to stop at the sight of what chilled him to the bone.  The four killers were sitting at his kitchen table playing a card game and it showed they had been there for a while. Plastic bags of chips and bottles of various kinds strone. Upon hearing the door open, Pig immediately rushes Tai and got him to the ground as Smile closed the door.

Ghostface and Nurse went to the backyard where the other two followed dragging the struggling man along. Getting out there Tai sees that a cross has been put up by Ghostface while Nurse is holding a lot of barbed wire.

Smile continued to drag Tai to the cross as Pig went to the shed and came out with a hammer, nails, and an ax. Tai is hoist into the air as one hand is placed on one side of the cross as Pig took one of the nails and hammer and positioning the nail in the center of his palm, takes her hand with the hammer back and brought it upon the nail with much force. Forcing the nail all the way into the man’s hand as he screamed. The process was done to the other hand keeping Tai stuck to the cross.

Nurse takes the barbed wire and begins to tie it around the man’s legs to the cross all the way up to the armpits as then the barbed wire is nailed into the cross on the back.  The shoulders are then nailed to the cross.

Ghostface grabs the ax and swings quickly, cutting one arm off just before the nail in the shoulder and he did it again to the other arm. Tai screams as blood pours from the holes where his arms used to be attached to. The barbed wire cut into his skin as the ground beneath him becomes drenched in blood as it begins to form a perfect circle under him. Smile and Pig take two gas tanks and went back into the house to cover from floor to floor in the flammable stuff.

As Smile goes up the stairs to douse the other rooms, Pig continues with the ground floor. After getting a fair amount of ground covered, she soon spots a picture frame sitting on a shelf. Setting aside the gas tank, she walks over to the picture and gets a hold of it. Looking upon the picture reveals what appears to be a little family. Tai standing in the back with a big smile. A thinner man standing next to him with black pixie hair, a bit of a smirk on his lips. What catches her attention are the two little girls standing in front of bothe of them, smiles just as big with a couple teeth missing. One girl slightly larger than the other, golden blonde hair reaching to her shoulders as her light purple eyes sparkle. The other girl, much smaller, with black hair and silver eyes gleaming as she stares at the camera.

Pig just continues to stare at the two girls with great intensity. Her concentration is broken from the sound of banging metal. Turning around, she sees Smile hitting her fist against the now empty gas tank before dropping it. Getting the hint, Pig haphazardly tosses the picture as the two make their way back outside.

All psychopaths now accounted for, Nurse begins to chant in an unknown language as Ghostface sets up a tripod to put the scroll on for a picture. When she finishes her chanting, the blood below the cross begins to glow with runes as streams come out from the circle and went to each of the four killers. Pig was granted knowledge of traps to put victims in. Nurse was granted the ability to float and teleport. Smile gained increased stamina to the point where it is not human. Ghostface was given the eyes of a hunter he to never lose his prey.

Quickly setting up the scroll with a timer, Ghostface stands in front of the cross with his fellow killers and with a quick flash the picture is taken.

The four killers take their leave, setting fire to the wooden house as it burns with a mutilated corpse hanging up on a cross in the backyard with blood now pooling everywhere. The flames are seen from a little ways away by someone who called the firefighters as the killers returned to Vale in the stolen bullhead which they would destroy upon their return.

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