11-Penny dies at the end

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A lone figure roams the empty streets of the dark city, avoiding police and the random Grimm that managed to sneak in, trekking about with purpose. Seeking out the four causing all of the city's strife. If she's lucky, they'll come after her.

Walking through the alleys, not being careful with the intensity of her footsteps, the figure tightens the baggy hoodie around her form as she looks about to spot anything out of place. So far, nothing but shadows and city noises. She won't stop, though. Just like every law enforcer crawling through the city, she can't stop until this whole situation is finally fixed.

Even if it destroys her.

Getting tired of the moldy brick walls of the alleys, the hooded figure makes her way to the open streets. Careful with any uniformed officials or beastly beings on the roam as usual.

Fast forward an hour or so, the shattered moon hangs dead center above the sky. Still nothing. Fearing that the four killers are in a different part of the city, she heads West to a nearby scrap yard before calling it a night. Nearing the closed gate, although for a second, she gets a glimpse of someone ducking into a building...... That's definitely out of place.

Sneaking over to the gate, a chain link fence, she manages to squeeze between a wide enough gap to get into the scrap yard. Piles of metal and rust surrounding her the further in she goes. Sneaking around, she makes it to the front entrance of the building. Somewhat dark and full of shelves filled with tools, disassembled machinery, and more scrap metal are what greet her inside. Along with faint footsteps echoing from afar. Sneaking to the side, our mysterious character tiptoes further inside. The hoodie she wears concealing her well.

Not too well, apparently.

Another figure appears from behind and wraps an arm around her neck in a choke hold. The other arm swinging around with a knife and embedding it in her chest. The force of the blow causes her to let out a gasp. What little moon light emanating from the windows reveals the pale white mask of Ghostface behind our poor victim.

Ghostface: I would have had fun with you, but I'm on a tight schedule right now. So just die for me, k?

The stab victim shakily reaches up and grabs Ghostface's arms... He feels her grip suddenly grow extremely tight. Before he can react, the two are soon launched backwards by the hooded girl jumping with abnormal force. They both crash into a shelf as the contents on it come crashing down on top of them, dust and rust particles flying about from the hit.

A pile of wood and metal lays immobile in the middle of the building, engulfing the two. A black glove pops out and grabs a hold of a broken engine before pulling the rest out of the rubble. Ghostface manages to wedge himself out of the mess with a few small bits of metal sticking out of him, completely confused on what the hell just happened.

The hooded figure soon launches from the pile and lands on her feet, catching Ghostface's attention. The knife from before is no longer embedded in her chest, but firmly in her hand..... Not a drop of blood on it. Looking up, Ghostface sees the hood is down and reveals a pale freckled face with curly orange hair and a dumbass pink bow on top. A pair of piercing green eyes staring back at him.

Penny: Target acquired!

She drops the knife and makes her way over to Ghostface, having some trouble trudging through the debris.

Remembering that this girl took an entire knife to the chest, no blood whatsoever, Ghostface shuffles back to get away from her.

Ghostface: Nope! I know when I'm out matched! A LITTLE HELP, PLEASE!

A figure from the shadows nearby quickly jumps out and shoulder charges Penny, knocking her back. She ducks and rolls to her feet and stares down her new opponent. Smile. The masked figure brandishes her signature hunting knife and takes a battle stance.

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