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With the sun just slowly peeking over the horizon, the early hours of a new day greet the still burning and Grimm infested city of Vale. Most forces are either pulling back or dead. Almost all civilians have been evacuated from the city, but sadly not all.

Within the now silent halls of Beacon, blood spatter and the occasional pound of flesh dot the walls and floors. The bodies of students and staff haphazardly stored away in a random classroom. Within another classroom, many cloaked figures stand motionless as the Headmaster of the school remains bound to the chair. Another fist flying across his face from Smile.

Bloodied, bruised, and possibly swallowed a tooth or four, Ozpin feels another punch connect to the side of his head. He lets out a muffled grunt through his duct taped mouth as pain bounces around his skull. With that last hit, Ozpin's head just limps to the side as his mind gets a little more fuzzy. Smile grabs him by the hair and lifts his head up, her blood painted smile continuously mocking him. One last punch is placed onto his nose, breaking it as blood immediately pours out. With that done, Smile lets go and walks off to the side.

Ghostface soon steps forward, cracking his knuckles as he stares down the once well respected Headmaster. The murderer rears back a fist for a strike, only to stop halfway as the faint yet audible sound of footsteps are suddenly heard. Slow, heavy, hollow footsteps that catches every occupants' attention. With Ghostface almost completely ignoring the old man in the chair.

Ghostface: About time.

Once Ghostface turns around to face Ozpin, he soon feels pain launch out through his jaw. The Headmaster's feet never secured to the chair, giving him a chance to retaliate with a harsh kick to his assailant's face. Ghostface's head snaps back as he stumbles away, his namesake flying right off and clattering across the floor. The killer grabs a hold of his sore face as the force of the kick turns him away. A feminine laughter coming from one of the other killers.

Ozpin, while still having tape over his mouth, grins at getting at least a hit on one of the people that ruined everything. Also, if he's lucky, he'll get a good look at at least one of their faces before dying. Once he reincarnates, he can come back and avenge all those that have died.

Ghostface lets out a few grunts of pain before grabbing a knife and spinning back around. Revealing.... someone that should be dead. Standing before Ozpin, with a bloody mouth and hellish scorn, is a very much alive member of team CRDL. Sky Lark.

Absolute confusion washing over him, Ozpin's eyes widen in shock at the sight of one of his students he thought died a painful death. Now brandishing a knife to stab him. Before Sky can make it across the room to embed his blade, a hellish sound of a roar and grinding metal bellows out.

Sky immediately stops in his tracks from the sound, the look of anger and bloodlust swiftly replaced with hesitation and slight fear. The young murderer turns around to the entrance of the classroom, quickly stepping to the side not soon after. Ducking under the doorframe and into the room is a tall being in pitch black robes, barely any features can be seen in the dark fabric. The person's head is uncovered, revealing their facial features for all to see. What little features there is at least.

The face is obviously male, strong jaw line and bulky pale complexion. That's all there is to defining looks. The man has not a single strand of hair on his entire head. Eyes a dull green, as if they are the eyes of a corpse. If Ozpin didn't know any better, he could have sworn the guy didn't have a single pore in his face. Almost as smooth as a mannequin head.

Unblinking, the large being just walks forward to the still bound Ozpin. The once distant stomps now resonating throughout the room. He steps in front of the Headmaster, sizing the old man up. Off to the side, Sky spits out a glob of blood in his mouth and wipes what's left off his chin. This catches Ozpin's attention as he remembers that one of his students is a cold blooded murderer and soon glances over to the boy.

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