Chapter 2: Harry's 12th Birthday

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They played pin the horn on the unicorn, Harry was the closes so he won that one. Next, they played gobblestones, Snape thoroughly beat Hermione in that game, while Harry beat Ron. Snape even brought out a pinata in the shape of Voldemort's head, for Harry and the others to hit. They went outside as Snape held one end of the rope, while the pinata hung from the tree. Snape used the branch for leverage. Ron and Hermione put a blindfold on Harry and spun him around 3 times, then gave him a stick to use. Harry swings his stick and misses the pinata as the pinata was pulled up and away from Harry, by Snape. Harry swings again and manages to get the lower half of the pinata, but didn't hit it hard enough to break it open. Harry ends up missing a 3rd time. Ron went next and missed all 3 times, which made everyone laugh, even Snape! Next was Hermione, she managed to hit it twice, but missed a 3rd time. She almost had it open! They talked Snape into hitting the pinata. They blindfold him and spun him 3 times. They gave him the stick as Ron held the rope. He was slightly taller than the other 2 were, so he could pull the pinata up and away from Snape. Snape swings once and hits the pinata. It was nearly open now! A few Honeyduke's sweets fell out of it! Snape swings again and misses. Snape's eyebrows furrow as he concentrates. He takes one final swing and breaks the pinata in half, spilling the entire contents onto the ground. All 3 of them scrambles around on the floor, getting as many sweets as they could, while Snape takes off the blindfold and smiles. After they all got the sweets off of the ground, Snape gave them each a small bag to put their sweets in. They all walk back inside to eat some sandwiches, chicken and corn, with a glass of pumpkin juice. After they ate, Snape looks at Ron and smirks, "Are you ready to play a game of wizard's chess, Mr. Weasley?" Ron said, "Um, sure Professor." Snape still smirking, said, "Are you afraid to lose to me?" Ron's ears went slightly red as he said, "No, I'm not afraid, sir. You're on." Snape's smirk widens as he goes and gets his chessboard and chess pieces. He sets it up by the table, letting Ron be white, while Snape was black. Snape was still smirking widely as he said, "May the best chess player win." Ron nods as they shake hands. Ron orders a white pawn to move forward 2 squares to start the game.

The game went on for nearly an hour, before Snape orders his black bishop to stand in front of Ron's king. The bishop drags the king off of the board. Ron realized that Snape had played the game the way he did on that giant chess board the year prior. Snape had won! He beat Ron Weasley! Snape said with a wide smirk, "Check mate, Mr. Weasley." Ron's jaw drops open and said, "You're the only one who was able to beat me, Professor...." Harry and Hermione laughs as Snape said, "I played chess for years, Mr Weasley. Professor Dumbledore taught me how to play over the holidays, when I was a student at Hogwarts. Good game, Mr. Weasley. You were a worthy adversary." Snape holds out his hand for Ron to shake. Ron takes his hand and shakes it as he smiles. After shaking hands, they let go. Snape said, "Mr. Weasley? Miss. Granger? Are we ready?" Both nod, smiling as Snape leads a curious Harry to the table. Snape heads to the kitchen and uses his wand to light the candles. Snape brings the cake out, with the candles lit. He sets the cake on the table and smiles. In unison, they sang the Happy Birthday song, "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dear Harry. Happy Birthday to you." Harry grins widely as his eyes went red again. He said, "Thanks guys! Thanks dad!" Snape smiles, "Make a wish, Harry and blow out the candles." Harry said, "I don't have anything to wish for, dad." Snape said, "There must be something you would like to wish for, Harry." Harry went thoughtful, then finally he had a wish. He looks at the candles, closes his eyes and said mentally, 'I wish for dad to be happy and to be able to finally move on from the pain in his heart.' He opens his eyes and blows out the candles. Ron said, "What did you wish for, Harry?" Harry said, "I can' tell you, otherwise it won't come true." Hermione laughs as Snape chuckles. Snape carefully removes the candles and hands Harry a knife." He said, "As you are the birthday boy, you get to cut the first slice." Harry cuts the first slice and places it on a plate. He hands the knife to Snape who then hands Harry the first slice of cake. Snape then slices a piece of cake for Ron, Hermione and himself. Snape brings out the cookies and cream ice cream and puts a scoop of it on each plate, including his own. He smiles, "Can't have cake without ice cream, now can you?" They begin to eat the cake and ice cream as they drank pumpkin juice in between. Once they finished eating, Snape said, "Time for presents, Harry." Ron and Hermione leads a grinning Harry to the couch as Snape levitates all the presents and sets them on the floor, next to Harry. Snape said, as he sits next to Harry, "Which would you like to open first, Harry?" Hermion sits on Harry's other side, while Ron sits in the armchair. Harry looks at his presents and smiles, "I think I'll open Hagrid's first. Then Ron's, his mum's, Hermione's and lastly, your's dad." Snape smiles and said, "Very well, Harry." He picks up Hagrid's gift and hands it to Harry.

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