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Milly's view:

I wake up again. Fully dazed and not able to move any muscle in my whole body. Everything feels weird. My head feels so empty and it aches like there is no tomorrow. Of course, I know where I am and I also know who captured me. Harry! My stepfather!

I hope I'll come out of this alive. But for sure! I mean, Chris must have noticed that something is wrong. I hope he doesn't worry too much. 

All of the sudden I feel something very fluffy and warm on my hand. I look down and see a blanket. Wait what? Why in hell should Harry gave me a blanekt? Well ok, it's very cold in here. If only I knew where I am. I let out a deep sigh and take a look forward. the young man in his 20's stands in exactly the same position I first saw him in. Same big and scaring weapon in his hands. The same black beanie adorn his head. I can barely see the brand.......Vans! It's Vans! It's a Vans beanie! I have to admit, it suits him. 

I raise my hand to draw his attention to me. 

,,Hey sorry Mr. but I really wanna know now where I am and beside that I'm really starving.",I tell him in the nicest tone I'm able to make.  
He gives me a short glare and than he continues looking straight ahead. 

,,Please. talk to me.", I beg but he replies nothing.

,,I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you !", I start to sing.

,,No. Stop singing ! You're not allowed to do this !", he says with an angry expression written in his face. Oh finally he speaks with me! 

,, For God's sake, why I'm not allowed to sing? Singing is beautiful!", I try to defend myself.

,,Yeah it is, but this was one song from your favourite band, right?", he asks now with steps taking in my direction.

,,Yes it is. you scare me a bit.", I respond.

Now he stands in front of me and pointing his weapon to my chest.
,, Harry told me we're not allowed to say the words in conclusion to this band. Band member names, management,records, instruments all that stuffs. So if you don't shut up, I have to get your stepfather. Understood? ", he asks.

,,Understood! I'm quite now. But can I please have something to eat. I'm really starving."

,, I look what I can get! But stay here and try to sleep. ", he responds

,, Wait what's your name btw?"
,, Billy! ", he says than he left.

A few hours later:

Billy gave me something too eat and, while I was filling my stomach with food, which tasted not that bad, he keeps watching me.

MJ:, So you're name is Billy. For Bill?
BD: Yes! Bill Decker!
MJ: From where you know Harry?
BD: I don't really know him. We met each other in a pub and than he told me about his plan. About the band and of course about his past.
MJ: So you know everything from me?
BD: Yepp.
MJ: You don't really look old. What's your age?
BD: 24
MJ: So this is your job?
BD: No!
MJ: Have you been captured too?

Suddenly he points his weapon to me. I raise my both hands in the air, trying to stay cool.

BD: You have no idea what he has done to me! So please don't ever ask again. I warn u!
MJ: Billy, I really wanna help u. Please we're going to find a way out of this. Chris is going to find us and Daniel too. Everything is possible if you never give up in if you...
BD: Stop saying those words! -- He screames and laying hold the weapon to me head --
I cry, I sobb and I'm in fear as I say: please don't shoot. Please!

,, Billy, put down the weapon! Let her live. We need her! You know otherwise we'll never get the singer!", the familiar voice from my stepfather fly in the room.

Billy let's go of my head and take a few steps back to give Harry the most possible view.
H: You look better today, but still not as I want u.
MJ: Thx for this compliment. Well I ate something and I have a blanket.
H: Billy! Go and get it!
BD: Are we starting now?
MJ: Starting what?
H: Yes we do! C'mon and get it!
After that the young man sprints out of the room and I was alone with my the horrifying person. He could do anything with me now. My legs and my hands are bound together and also I have no phone.
I look him in the eyes, although I deeply loathe him.
MJ: What's your plan?
H: I'm not gonna say that to you

Than Billy comes back with my phone in his hand. What the heck! It's my phone! Why he would gave it to me? That's not possible! Am I dreaming?

He hands it to Harry and the man startes talking: So..... This is your phone right?
I nodd.
You're gonna write Mr. Martin where you are and than he's going to help you, obviously. No police! If I see one police officer, I'm gonna kill him and you too. So wrote him the following thing:

I unlock it and tears streaming down my face as I saw the cute wallpaper from the two of us. How much I miss him.

Hi Chris,
In my place where lines that I couldn't change
I was lost oh yeah

No police
And no other band member
No money
Just you
In 48h
Because all I know is that I love you so

As I send the message I go out of the messenger and lock it again. Reach it to Harry and look in the nearest corner.
,, He won't find me ", I mumble.
,, If he's as smart as you think, he'll. He has 2 days.", he  laughs.
,, I hate you!"
,, No... You hate your life!" he said and walking away with my phone and Billy.

What you think, where Milly is?

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