First day of school

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Who knew that a simple move could change so much. I still remember when it all started, it feels like a decade went by since...

"Michael! Why aren't you up yet?!" My mom yelled downstairs.
"I'm coming! You don't have to tell me" I replied, while still laying in bed, she can be so annoying sometimes.
I still needed to get up though, sadly I can't just not go to school.

"Finally! Why aren't you dressed yet? Didn't you see your uniform?!" My mom says when i finally came down to the kitchen, what a nice thing to say when your son is about to start his first day.
"Hey, Mike! Are you excited for your first day?" My dad says, he's always trying to lift the mood, not that it works. Especially with my mom.

"Have a good day at school!" My dad said, while my mom was already texting her girlfriend, classic mom, not even caring about her own son.
"Thanks dad, I'll do my best" I replied, I always try to be nice to him, even at times like this.

I didn't want to leave my dad...

Especially with her.

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