Lost in an asylum

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The next bit of the conversation didn't really matter because my mom already filled out most of the paperwork, probably not because she actually cares about me, more so to spend time with her girlfriend.
Luna, the girl I met before, walked off afterwards. I mean it's not like I'm new here or anything...
Class 203...how am I supposed to get there? How do the sections work? I heard that you could get a map of the school at the entrance, but where even is that? I remember her just going straight from the entrance trough a little outside bit...but where even is that?

The bell is almost gonna go, and I literally only have a map that I don't understand with me. How does anybody go through this asylum on a daily basis??

I've had it, I'll just ask someone...but where is everyone? Oh wait, I remember, they aren't as stupid as me and had no problem finding their class!

Welp, I'm already 10 minutes late, maybe I should just skip...
Hold on, I see someone over there, probably skipping, they wouldn't mind...right?

Okay, so I went up to the person, and turns out they're also new (what a coincidence). They had completely given up on searching and were too anxious to ask anyone. Turns out I'm not that bad at talking as I thought...
Their name was...Jay I think? I kinda forgot...he was nice though.

Turns out that we were in the same class thankfully, a simple check with the..."principal". Jay told me all about his friends and how nice they were, kinda gave me a sense for who I was going to spend my year with.

Most of the class wasn't even there, lucky for them, they don't have to sit through this French lecture. The teacher is awful, he made us listen to his boring class and not even once gave us a real assignment. I was looking forward to French actually, my parents are both kinda bad at French, no offense dad, so they wanted me to practice French from a young age, not like I had something else to do or anything...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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