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Being late can be pretty annoying, at my old school I was known as "the kid who's always late" or "the kid who doesn't care about his education" not the most flattering name, but not necessarily wrong. But I wouldn't want to be called that again. But that is soon to be my outcome. As I glanced at the time..."8:15?! I'm gonna be late again?!"

I quickly grabbed my bike, I already thought I would be late, but not this late!
Finally, I'm on my way to school, it doesn't help that my school wants us to be at least 10 minutes EARLY, like do they think that we're all perfect or something?

Is that my school? It looks like something you would see in a teen RomCom or something, whatever people are into.
It actually looks like the school is perfect, but the students probably aren't, its a public high-school after all.

Alright, now it's time to find the principal.
I look through the empty hallways, it's probably class-time already. The only kids that are still there are giving me weird looks, probably skipping or something.
I've been wondering around for it seems like a decade. I think I should just ask someone, but everybody here seems... busy I guess? Maybe if I go to that hallway over there-


"Sorry! I didn't mean that!" I heard as I fell to the ground.
"Can't you just watch yourself?!" I replied, still trying to get up, is this floor made out of concrete?
I looked to see who the idiot was that made me fall onto CONCRETE.
Brown hair, green eyes, blue glasses with freckles. She looks kind of like a teacher's pet,
which means...
"Hey you know where the principal's office is?" Trying to sound as innocent as possible.
"Sure I guess, I need to go there anyways."
"Thanks! I'm Michael by the way!" I say in an overly happy tone.
"Luna, nice to meet you".

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