Chapter 8 That's My Wife!

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         Two years later, Adrien and Marinette are at friends place.  The occasion happens to be  birthday party.  This party includes a dance which is just fine with most of the guest.  A few guest remain to the side as it appears they either cannot dance or prefer not too.

        Adrien smiles at Marinette!  He still cannot believe how blessed he is to have her as a part of his life.  He smirks.  He holds out a hand to offer it to her.  "Marinette, care to dance?"  Adrien ask.

        "Wait, just a minute!  Why should she waste time with the likes of you?  I bet you are just some looser the cat drags in from time to time."  The man scoffs.  He appears to be a bit out of it. 

        "Looser, who you calling looser?"  Marinette says. She appears to be furious.

       "It is none of your concern, missy!"  Another man says.  He tries to grab her by the arm.

           Adrien is the one who gives him an glance to show his annoyance at once!  "Now, just who do you think you are anyway?"  Adrien says.

            The man punches him!  Marinette looks on in dismay as the man still has a hold on her arm.  She takes her free arm and uses it to knock out the creep.

            "Adrien, are you alright?"  Marinette ask.

           "Yes, what about you?"  Adrien ask.

            "I am just fine, darling!"  Marinette says.

          "Well, good!  Glad to hear it!"  Adrien remarks.


        Some of the other guest clap!  They are happy to see the rude man is out cold. They believe it serves him right since he was rude enough to take Adrien Agreste dance partner away from him!   

         Others just take the opportunity to laugh, and say awful things behind their backs!  "Look, I wonder how long this one will last with him!  It is not like he is ever been serious about anyone else!"   A lady all in red says.

        "Yes, that is true!  He is a player!"  Another one agrees.

        "Well, she is not that great I do agree, but that is still no reason to gossip."  The third lady remarks.

        "What is with her fake pearls?   I mean there is no way those can be real!   She is to ugly for such things!"  A man points out what he thinks to be the truth.

         "Stop, it all of you!  You no nothing!"  Adrien says. His voice shows his digust at once.

        "Ugh, why should he be so quick to defend her anyway?"  A stranger says.

         "Yes, what could he see in her anyway?"   Someone else says rather rudely.

         "For your information that is my wife!"  Adrien blurts out.  He says this as loudly as he possibly can in the hopes to get the nasty folks to stop with all the gossip.  It is one thing for people to drag him down, but must they do this to his lovely spouse too?

         "Your wife?  What did she do, put a spell on you? "  A lady scoffs.

        "What?  You are with this ugly gal who does not look old enough to be seen in public let along with the great, Adrien Agreste!"  Another person brings up.  It is almost as if the people here have no manners at all.

           "Leave my woman alone!  I mean it!"  Adrien says.  He is not to happy that they should give his wife trouble when she has not done anything to them.

             "Out!  Out,now!"  The man who owns the place, throws out a few unruly guest to help lighten the load.  He sure hopes this causes people to think twice before they hurl any more insults to anyone else.   

            Adrien  picks Marinette up and carries her outside!  He decides both of them could use a bit of fresh air.  He hopes this will help to lighten the mood too.

         "Adrien this was a mistake!  How about we head on out?"  Marinette says. She looks sad. She appears to be more hurt than she will let on about the things people just said about her.

        "Sure, honey!  Whatever you say!"  Adrien says.  He grabs her hand.  He walks her to the car and drives her home.

          Once inside the house, Marinette goes to their room. She plops on the bed in tears.  She refuses to stop.

           "Marinette, darling!  I am sorry!  Really, I did not know they would do that to you!"  Adrien says.

           "I know.  I also, can tell you did try to defend me."  Marinette says through her tears.

          Adrien hugs his wife.  He hates to see her upset over some silly things that some nosy busy bodies said about her.  He holds her close and whispers, "Sweetheart, it is a honor to have you by my side.  I love you!"  

         Marinette turns to face him. She sees the look he has in his eyes. She can tell it is one that shows his love for her.  She sighs.  She says,  "I love you too!  I love you, so very much!"

           Adrien and Marinette cuddle like this until they both fall asleep.  The two are worn out, but very much in love!  They remain asleep well into the night!   

           The next day, Adrien wakes Marinette up with a kiss!  She kisses him back!  She is glad to have someone to share kisses with every day and night.  It sure makes her life  less of a bore this way.

            Adrien hears a knock at the door.  He scowls when he sees who it is on the other side.  It is his parents.  He would be grateful they came to see him expect for one little thing.  He never told him he was married!  He was not sure they would ever accept his woman as part of the family!  He loves her, he does not wish to see her hurt, so he did not tell them anything!  He lets them inside not sure what to say.

         "Oh, hello there!  I did not know we had company, dear!"  Marinette says. She is happy to see the guest.  

         "Adrien who is this lovely woman right beside you?"  His mother says.

        "Yes, Adrien who is she?"   His father remarks.

        "Father, mother, this is my lovely wife, Marinette!  Marinette this is my father, Gabriel and my mother, Emilie!"  Adrien says.  He smiles after the quick introductions are complete.

        "Your wife!  Wow, congratulations, son!"  Gabriel says.

        "Yes, son that is good news!"  Emilie says. She secretly wants him to marry Chloe, but does not say a word about to anyone else.

         "Thanks, mother and father!" Adrien remarks.

        "It is a pleasure to meet you Gabriel and Emilie Agreste!"  Marinette says.

        "Oh, the pleasure is all ours!"  Emilie remarks.

         to be continued in Chapter  9   Disapproval Shown At Once!



The Legacy AU  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now