Carlos Sainz Jr - My Beautiful Sunshine

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Requested by: @laraf1lover
I'd never gone through a break up before. Not a serious one anyway. I didn't really know what to do with myself. I sat in my living room, wrapped in a blanket and watching some shitty rom com, which only reminded me of how miserable I was. I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up to see it was Carlos.

"Hey," I whispered as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey mi sol," I could hear his smile, one that could light up a football pitch. "Is everything okay? Where's my happy girl?" I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a sob. "(Y/N)? What's happened?"

"He left. Found someone younger." Tears now gushing from my eyes once again.

"I'll be there in ten."


"I'll be there soon mi sol," he said before hanging up. I sighed and threw my phone beside me. I didn't want him to see me, I was a wreck. I hadn't showered in days, my hair looked like a crows nest, my breath probably smelt like the dump.

Exactly ten minutes later a knock came from the front door. I stood up and wrapped my blanket around me, hiding all the stains that littered my top. I opened the front door, Carlos' arms full of junk food. I moved out of the way to let him in. I sat back down on the sofa, Carlos disappearing into the kitchen, coming back a couple minutes later carrying cups of tea. I thanked him as he passed me mine before he sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap. He put an arm around me, I rested my head on his shoulder, I could feel tears starting to brew once again. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tight, trying to make them go away.

"Don't hold it in, if you wanna cry then cry. If you wanna scream, scream your lungs out. I'm here to listen, to talk if you wanna talk. I wanna do anything I can to make you feel better." As if on cue the dam broke and the tears started again. Carlos rubbed circles on my back as I sobbed into his shirt. Carlos muttered things in Spanish. I wasn't sure what he was saying but it was comforting anyhow.

Eventually I'd cried to much that I had no more tears, I wiped under my eyes and my cheeks, feeling slightly better.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I noticed the wet patch on his top. Carlos chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't be silly." He stared at me, his chocolate brown eyes wide and beaming. "Do you know that when you get upset you go red here.." he ran his finger across my eyebrows, "and here," his finger ran gently down my nose, "it's cute." a small smile started to creep on my face. It was the first time I'd smiled in a week.
"There she is... mi hermoso sol." I placed my empty mug on the side table and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding onto him as if he was about to disappear. He placed one arm around my waist and his other hand on the back of my head.

"Thank you Carlos."

"Anytime, I'm always gonna be here for you. Do you want to watch a movie and eat a load of crap?" I chuckled and nodded.

We curled up together and watched a comedy, our laps covered in different snacks. Halfway through the film Carlos slowly slipped his fingers between mine, giving my hand a little squeeze, I glanced over at him, his eyes glued to the screen but a small smile began to appear. I smiled and kissed his cheek before looking back to the screen. I could see his face going a shade of red out the corner of my eye.

We were half asleep by the time the film ended, Carlos leant forward and placed the snacks on the coffee table before lying down on the sofa with his arms open. I accepted the offer and made myself comfortable. Carlos pulled the blanket over us before wrapping his arms around me.

"Carlos?" I muttered into his chest.


"What does hermoso mean?"

"Beautiful." It came out at almost a whisper. I could feel my cheeks heating up ever so slightly. He pressed a gentle kiss on the top of my head and let out a happy sigh. For the first time in a while I was truly happy and it was all because of him.

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