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Ashton POV

The moment you realise you can't live without someone. The moment you realise you find it hard to be away from that one person who draws you back in. The moment you would die just to make sure that persons okay. The moment you would give up everything you own just to give it to that other person. That's when you realise you are in love. And to be honest I'm completely in love.

Me and the boys are having a lads day because we haven't had one in ages. When I turned to reach for my phone to go on Twitter my stomach felt like it was in a knot. I took a sharp breath of pain in whilst my stomach started to sting. I got up and ran to the bathroom and emptied all the contents of my stomach out.

I felt the colour drain from my face as my stomach pain grew even more. I turned to see 3 concerned looking boys watching me. I couldn't speak. My stomach was in so much pain I just groaned. I felt a wave of nausea come over me as I threw up again into the toilet. I've been feeling like this for a few days but this is the worst I have had it.

"Ash I think we need to take you to the hospital just to get you checked up" I groaned in response. I tried to get up but I just fell down. The boys came and lifted me up whilst I wrapped my arms around there shoulders.

The first thing that clicked in my mind whilst we were walking to the car was Camila. I searched frantically for her forgetting all about my stomach. I started kicking and wiggling my arms. The boys looked up at me. "What's wrong Ash we need to get you to a hospital so stop" Luke spoke concerned. "Camila" was all I could breathe out wanting it to come out a lot stronger than it did.

"Ash I'll ring her later now isn't the time" Calum spoke. Once the boys put me into the car. We got our driver to drive us to the hospital. My stomach kept making noises and my stomach felt there was a weight being pressed on it. I'm struggling not to cry.

Once the car stopped the boys rushed to open the door and lifted me into the hospital whilst I let out a wince from having to get up. The only thoughts that were in my head wasn't the pain I was in but if Camila was okay.

Once I was rushed into the hospital the boys told something to the nurse but my head was pounding and my vision started to get blury. "Camila" was the last word I blurted out before everything went black.

I heard a annoying beeping noise coming from beside me. My eyes felt heavy. I tried to open them a couple of times and when they finally opened it took them a minute for my vision to come back clearly. I looked around to notice I'm not in my room. I looked beside me to see Camila holding my hand whilst her head rested just below my leg and she was fast asleep.

I smiled at the sight of her but frowned when I noticed the tear stains on the bed. I also noticed the black circles formed around her beautiful eyes. I lifted my hand ever so carefully trying not to wake her up and pulled my hand through her soft hair. God I missed her .

She started to mumble telling me she must be waking up. She shifted and her gorgeous brown eyes fluttered open and she immediately looked up to me and seen me awake. She burst out crying. I was confused. "Hey babe why are you crying". "I though there was something seriously wrong with you and the minute the boys told me you collapsed I panicked and I left the hall immediately". I grabbed her hand and grazed my thumb over hers. She smiled and lifted her thumb and grazed it over mine.

"You had me so worried " she cried. "Hey I'm okay". She looked at me and she came closer to me and she reached up to draw circles on my cheek. "Your mum is worried sick, her, Lauren and Harry are in the waiting room waiting to see you I'll go and let them come in" she spoke softly. "Don't leave me" I whimpered. "Hey I'll be right back" she kissed my head and let it linger there for a while before she pulled back and walked out of the room.

A minute later mum, Lauren and Harry walked in. I smiled at my family but frowned when I seen no Camila. "Where's Camila?" I said worried. "Hey Ash she's okay she's been with you non stop since you got here, she's just away to get some food then she will be back" mum spoke.

I sighed. I froze when I realised I don't know why I came here in the first place. "Mum did they find out what happened" I said. "Yeah hun, your appendix wasn't working properly so they took it out" I froze. "Wait I went through an operation". She smiled "it was the only option Camila rang us in a state the poor girl didn't even get a nights sleep she sat here with you until you woke up" she said sounding quite impressed.

"How long was I asleep for" I spoke needing to know how long I left Camila for. "Only 3 days you were so tired you didn't even wake up." I sighed and I caught up with my mum my brother and my sister.

"Ash you are going to love being at home again" mum spoke and I froze. "Wait what?" I asked so confused. She giggled "Ash you are coming home for a while the boys have cancelled some of the tour dates because you won't be able to preform". I smiled at the thought of going home but frowned when a certain someone popped into mind. "What about Camila, I can't leave her I won't go without Camila" I stated worried and frantic.

Mum sighed. "Camila's going to America for a while she hasn't been home to see her family" mum spoke trying to break the news nicely. I panicked I tried to sit up but yelped in pain. "Ash calm down you will only be away from her for a couple of weeks"mum spoke now starting to sound worried. My fear increased more a couple of weeks without Camila.

"A couple of weeks" I screamed. "Ash shhh it's okay shhh" mum spoke softly whilst grabbing my hand trying to get me to calm down. "No mum I'm not going without Camila what if something happens to her or-" I got cut off with a tear that came running down my face.

Mum started to panic when she seen me in the state I'm in. "Shh Ash it's okay" she spoke sounding heart broken. The tears started to spill more and more. The only thing on my mind is Camila. "Mum please get Camila" I cried. Mum immediately stood up and ran out of the room in a panic and Lauren and Harry came and hugged me.

Five minutes later mum returned and behind her came a worried Camila. I immediately sat up ignoring the pain and wrapped Camila in my arms.

"I'm not going anywhere without you with me" I cried. "I can't stay away from you for a couple of weeks". She pulled back and she ran her fingers through my hair and she cuddled me until I started to calm down. I placed kissed on her forehead every now and then. She snuggled into my chest whilst I wrapped my arms around her as I felt her body drifting to sleep.

I looked up and I completely forgot my mum was standing there. Lauren and Harry must of left because it's only mum. I took one last look at sleeping Camila wrapped in my arms and I drew circles on the side of her face. I looked back to mum. "I think we can arrange for Camila to come with us" I smiled at her. "Thankyou mum I'm sorry for being a pain I just can't go anywhere anymore for longer than a day without her"

She smiled at me and she came closer to me. She looked at Camila and smiled. "I can't help who you fall in love with its just so unbelievable my baby isn't my baby anymore he's grown up to be in a famous boyband and he's engaged to the most gorgeous girl I know"

I smiled at her and gave her a kiss as she walked out of the room I cuddled into Camila and closed my eyes to drift off to sleep.

Memories (Ashton Irwin and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now