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"Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself"

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"Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself"

We're all panting and running, crunching the leaves under our feet.

"Everyone's gone!" Alex says as we all slow down, making it to the camp site.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I yell, it's there duty to watch us and I know I'm a fucking outcast but are you serious?

"They probably got the emergency signal and went back to camp" Alex pants outs, before Dariush responds, there's another ear ringing boom that turns all of our attention to the lake, and when we look up. I see something that I'll probably never forget, ever, multiple of explosions above us.

"WHAT THE FU-" and just again Dariush is interrupted by an explosion, and again my ears hurt.

"Looks like explosions in the upper atmosphere!"

We all grab our phones expect for Gabriel who comes up behind me and looks at my phone, I look at him before realizing that SHIT this needs to hurry up, I start tapping everywhere, hoping to find someone I can call or text but my phones dead, I feel Gabriel's breathe on my neck from him sighing which makes me shiver even though it was a pretty warm day over here, still.

"I-I-it's dead! I had 90% two seconds ago!" Dariush stutters "piece of shut boost mobile!" He says and smacks his phone a couple time.

"Mines dead too," Alex says and we all share glances which I nod in response. Suddenly there's a very quiet whooshing, we all look around and me and Gabriel grab eachothers arms before we realize that the whole mood had changed, a sunny blue day with beautiful mooding turns to a rusty orange uncomfortable day. Everyone's hair rushes everywhere and we turn to a jet roaring in the back,
It came so close I thought I was gonna DIE, I hide behind Gabriel and hold onto Zhen Zhen's hand,

"It's Independence Day!"
Gabriel shouts

"It's June G A B R I E L" Dariush's 'smart' mouth says

"Oh my god, we're gonna die!" I say running to the nearest seat.

"I don't whanna die! I'll have to die with you losers," Dariush snaps,

"What'd you say,?" I say and run up to Dariush

"I'll have to die with you losers?" He says giving me a 'this bitch is crazy' look. I flinch at that word

"How do u know about us," I say and grab the sides of his shirt and get up in his face, "h-how, how do you know about the losers!" I say and start to sniffle and tear up, i start to yell at him "how!"

He seemed scared in a way "I-It was just a joke! Chill! I don't know the losers!, Gabriel come- get her" I'm still freaking out before I feel Gabriel grab me by my waist and spin me around before grabbing my shoulders

"Hey! Who are the losers!" He looks me in my eyes, god he was so cute, he had starry eyed and his hair, I whanna fluff it up and give him a hug.

"Someone... No one"

"Someone or no one?" He says sliding his arms down and grabbing one of his hands.

I blush but I keep it back by placing my head on his chest

After about a minute I look up.
"Just get us out of here before I kill you, Gabriel" I punch his chest lightly and turn away.

"Damn girl" I hear Dariush muffle under his breathe


Honestly I might add Richie Eddie and Bev in this, what do u think? Should I

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted,  some girl and I ran into eachother and she spilled her drink on her and she called me a whore and ran off and then she came back and dumped it on my new shoes and jeans :) I feel great but I also might wright a new chapter tonigh!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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