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el read every text he sent.
she wasn't throwing a fit or anything, she just didn't feel like talking to him.
she probably should have predicted how partying with him would end up.
they danced, they were drinking, overall they had fun.
drunk jeongguk was definitely something.
tipsy and more talkative.
definitely more talkative.
yoongi vanished at some point and el found him laying on the floor in the bathroom.
he wasn't throwing up, he just fell asleep in a shower.
el just let it be.
maybe it was alcohol, maybe the fact that he was overworked.
a nap wouldn't kill nobody.
so she quickly peed, washed her hands and left the bathroom, carefully closing the door after her.
when she went back to where she left jeongguk she saw him and some girls that danced with both of them earlier.
they were all nice and friendly, drunk, but friendly.
so it wasn't the type of a party that everyone imagine.
there were no drugs, prostitutes, i don't know, naked men.
just young people that were drinking a little too much.
el noticed that one of the girls with one hand was touching jeongguk's torso and with another she was smoothly ruffling his hair.
so apart from drinking there was also sex.
in that el didn't want to participate.
they were all grown ups but she just didn't feel like becoming a person with whom one of them could have a drunk sex session in one of the rooms.
it wasn't wrong tho.
if they wanted to, they could.
but she valued something about it, it was her personal thing.
she wasn't judging but she had her believes.
when she saw that the girl sat on his lap she knew they will end up somewhere else tonight.
she wasn't jealous because how could she be over a stranger?
in that particular moment she was feeling rather like a surprised fan.
years after being a fan she magically ended up in this club, seeing her idol in a tipsy state, flirting with girls.
so she felt like she had no other choice but to join random people on a dance floor.
she liked the place, she didn't want to leave yet.
half an hour later, after dancing with a few unknown men and women and seeing probably one of nct's member's hip thrusts she felt tired and decided to look for a drink to ease the desire.
jeongguk was long gone.
this didn't surprise el, but what surprised her was the fact that yoongi in that exact moment had approached her which meant he woke up.
"having fun?" he asked.
he looked at her and saw how uncomfortable she was near him.
"are you scared of me?"
"what? no, you're just a bit intimidating" el answered truthfully.
yoongi smiled at her words.
he asked her to sit with him for a moment to catch their breathes and that's how they talked through the whole night until at some point he just asked her for her number.
she gave it to him while tapping the digits with an incredible focus to his contact list.

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