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el👼🏼: sorry
i had some stuff to do 😅

jeon: jesus
three weeks of doing stuff??
i know why you weren't replying

el👼🏼: what do you mean
i was really busy

jeon: you didn't know how to talk to me after that night in club
it confused you
i didn't exactly think it through that day

el👼🏼: no i had fun

jeon: i couldn't find you later
and then it was suddenly morning
and the next day we had a fan meeting
and i had a collab to record 😅

el👼🏼: yeah i know
yoongi told me
plus he mentioned something about your collab but left all the details
hope it went well ☺️

jeon: he told you?
youre texting him as well?

el👼🏼: he is really nice
he talked a lot about music that day in the club
i had a lot of questions
i hope he didn't complain about me
i might have gotten carried away
just a little

el👼🏼: he is really nice he talked a lot about music that day in the clubi had a lot of questions i hope he didn't complain about mei might have gotten carried awayjust a little

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jeon: no
he didn't complain
he didn't even mentioned you two are in touch

el👼🏼: oh
but how are you?
everything okay right?

jeon: yes
i just wanted to set things straight
i believe there has been a misunderstanding between us
im sorry for following you to the club that day
and inviting you somewhere where you weren't comfortable

el👼🏼: i didn't say anything about being uncomfortable tho?
i said i had fun
your hyung kept me company

jeon: oh sure
but just so we are clear
im sorry again
and im sorry in advance but
we will be working on more new music soon and
i might be unable to text you

el👼🏼: i don't really understand what you mean

jeon: i will be really busy
and with our schedule
and my private life that i have to squeeze somewhere in between
i think we might be unable to talk to each other for a while
i just thought ill let you know

el👼🏼: ofc
i understand jeongguk
i hope your music works out well
you always write and produce good music
i don't doubt you will succeed this time
either way i will buy everything from you
and others too

jeon: kekeke
thanks el
sometimes i wonder if every fan is like you
friendly, supportive, beautiful and carrying

el had to re-read the last sentence.
jeongguk just called her beautiful.
she felt kinda like on a cloud 9.
but it was just a word, just a compliment.
she took a deep breath and smiled to herself.

el👼🏼: hehe
yes most of them are like me
you have great fans

jeon: i know
text ya later
i gotta go now

el👼🏼: yep
i get that already
text ya later!

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