Chapter III: Certified Consensus

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"Evie!" Doug called running up behind her as she sat in the dining space. He carried a manila file in his hands, a few papers spilling out to Evie's view. It had been three days since she had spoken to her mother. Yet, she still hadn't told her beau about their conversation.

She turned around completely and smiled. He greeted her with a quick hug. "So I did some research and found a few documents"

He set the folder down and pulled up a chair. Evie flipped through the file to find a piece of discolored paper with an Auradon seal stamped on the front.

"This is your birth certificate. I know it doesn't say Evie, but apparently your full name is—" Doug began before Evie interjected.

"Genevieve. I know. Mummy told me" Evie said her voice wavering. "She told me a lot of things. And one of them being that my father is indeed,"

"Hans of the Southern Isles," they said in unison.

Neither of them said anything for awhile before she began to tell him what her mother had shared. And even the sighting of him in the car.

"Mummy also said she would like to meet you, sometime" Evie whispered as Doug turned red.



They sat in silence once again, as Doug looked at the sheet of paper.

                                 Father: Prince Hans Westergaard of the Southern Isles

                                                              Mother: Grimhilde Queen

                           Name: Genevieve Hana Rose Westergaard of the Southern Isles

                                                              Date of Birth: April 10, 1999

                                                                        Christened: N/A

                                                                     Place of Birth: N/A

                                Weight: Equivalent to approximately 15 Rotten Apples

                                                                            Length: N/A

                Notes: Hair color is unusual. May be due to too much exposure to blood during 

                                               gestation or  medication consumed by mother.

                                               Delivered By: Mother Gothel and Doctor Facilier

Evie felt her eyes brimming with tears. Doug looked up, upon hearing soft sniffles.

"What's wrong?" Doug asked, taking her hand in his own and caressing her palm.

"Nothing, really. I just thought there'd be more to my story. I didn't even know my name wasn't actually Evie. I didn't know I had middle names, that I had my father's last name. That I have blue hair for an unknown reason"

"Well, don't the others have their hair colors, unusually too?"

Evie shook her head. "Carlos' hair was permanently bleached when he accidentally set off a trap by Cruella's furs. Mal just dyes hers purple. But this," she pointed to the braid in her hair. "Is all natural"

"Maybe it's a genetic mutation" Doug suggested as she shrugged.

"Must be. Got anything else?"

"Yeah, I have three photographs. One of you as a baby, one of your dad and one of your mom. And the last things are photocopies of your parent's files from their registration as guardians on Isle"

Evie looked at the pictures and the files with their fingerprints copied on the papers. She ran her hand over the color image of her infant self. She had wispy blue hair that was smoothed on her head. She was swaddled in a plain white blanket that looked to be very worn, but had a lace trimming around it.

Her eyes wandered to her parents separate images. They had more youth to them than she'd ever seen. Her mother had dark waves that framed her face beautifully. Her piercing green eyes had a glint of happiness and her lips were pursed to give her face more dimension. In her father's photograph she immediately saw the smug smile on his face, followed by his amber eyes. He had a chiseled face and freckles that dusted his nose.

She realized she looked like a perfect combination of her parents. 

"Genevieve Hana Rose Westergaard" Doug read off of the sheet. "Well, you should have a title. His status was never removed. Even though you're probably way off in the lineage of royalty in The Southern Isles, you still have a title. You could end up inheriting your dad's title, whatever it is"

"Really? He is the Prince of the Southern Isles. So does that make me then the Princess of the Southern Isles?" 

"That's how titles work. Former King Beast never said that the royalty on the Isle would lose their status. Only if you lost your status in Auradon like your mom did" Doug noted, adjusting his glasses. 

Now Evie's hope rose. I can't believe it, she thought. I'm technically a princess. Or well, my father is a Prince.

"Could I get my status back then? Could I really be Genevieve Hana Rose Westergaard, Princess of the Southern Isles? Well I'd probably choose Evie," she chuckled as Doug smiled.

"If we can find a way to legally prove it. And manage to send it to the council—actually we could send it to Snow White. She's a member of the council"

"My step-sister? She doesn't even know me"

"Oh, but she does" Doug said as Evie gave him a look. "I may or may not have told her a few things about you. Well, she asked me who my date was at Cotillion and I had to tell her. She doesn't know about us being "true love" ordained. But she also wants to meet you..."

Doug trailed off as he looked at Evie who seemed to be processing what he had just told her. As she looked up, her face spoke that she was quite frankly bewildered.

Snow White actually wants to meet me? The woman who didn't even realize who I was at Ben's coronation... 

"Has she had work done?" Evie suddenly blurted as Doug's head cocked in confusion.

"Um, to my knowledge, no. That would actually be Princess Aurora. Audrey said her mom got Botox to clear her face of her wrinkles" Doug chuckled as Evie giggled.

"I'll meet her" she said agreeing to his offer, her lips curling upwards into a hopeful and rosy smile. And for Doug, her smile was the magic that made his heart skip a beat every time. 

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