Chapter VIII: A Mirage of a Smooth Sailing

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As a counselor to the King of Auradon and advocate for the Isle, Mal provided her the works for her visit to the Southern Isles. Of course Doug was right next to her as she peered out of the tinted, bulletproof windows of a diplomatic vehicle. The news had traveled fast of her visit. She had gotten relatively good press back in Auradon City. Articles ranging from 'Evie Queen of Four Hearts to visit the Southern Isles' to 'Counselor to King Ben off to the Southern Isles.'

But she felt like she was in a whole different country. The streets were wide and cobblestone. There were a few cars, but mostly buggies and bikes. It seemed as if they hadn't switched to modern advancements, but then again, their airport was the most technologically savvy that Evie had seen and they had large Jumbotron in the town's plaza. 

Kids who were playing games, stopped and gawked at the car passing them. People wandered from their homes and businesses to see who had just passed by.

As much as she hoped, people hadn't been very friendly. From the airport greeters, to the average citizens and the glares from the people outside of the car door, she didn't want to get out. But they had already made their destination and set out to learn the truth about her family's past and re-establish her slandered image.

Stepping onto the sidewalk, her heeled boots touched the ground and Doug got out within a short moment after her. A man in a smart suit immediately took Evie's hand and bowed slightly. "Miss Queen. Sir Hans shall be in shortly. He was out for tea, advising the community council on how to approach the death of his brother, sister-in-law and nephew.

"Very well. Thank you..." Evie said waiting for a name as the man nervously walked away, with an audible gulp. Doug looked to Evie who sighed in annoyance.

Just as they followed one of the guards in front of Hans's residence, a the colonial style brick home, a newspaper flew into Evie's face. She frantically removed it. She eyed the front page and immediately ripped it in half. Doug took it from her, putting the pieces together and furrowed his brows.

'Half-witch, illegitimate girl of Hans Westergaard to take over the throne' it read. The black and white image plastered to the paper was of Evie as she fought Maleficent, a deathly glare on her face. Of course, Maleficent was not in the frame and neither was any of the actual situation.

Doug handed the pages he crumpled out of irritation to a guard who Evie told to dispose of it. 

He followed Evie inside, in awe of the home that looked larger than the exterior had. He heard the clicking of heels as a girl, just a few years younger than Evie came from around the corner into the living room. All of the rooms on the first floor seemed to connect and a spiraling staircase led up to the second floor. The girl stood in front of the fireplace, her eyes squinting at the two guests. 

"I thought Mirage said Daddy would be home by the time she," the girl said to a man in a black suit and dark glasses. She pointed her thumb at Evie. "Got here" 

The guard just shrugged, and a taller woman came to the teen girl's side from the kitchen. "You must be Hans's other daughter" she said, her voice sleek and clear. 

The tall and slim woman tightened her grey ponytail, her green eyes seemingly piercing into Evie's soul. 

Evie and Doug glanced at each other, confused looks on their faces. "Wait... what? Other?" Evie asked her voice rising in complete shock. Evie turned to face Doug and he shrugged. The room seemed to turn as she closed her eyes and opened them once again. 

"I have a sister?" Evie asked aloud as Mirage gave her a smirk and crossed her arms. 

I think I'm going to be sick. 

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