Chapter 1

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I sit straight up in bed as I pant for air. This night, like most others, I dreamt of Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle.

Harry's sleeping form grips onto Pinky, or what my mother called Pin Cushion.

Ever since Harry moved in, he's held onto it at night. The Order has taken over the manor, but it's so huge that we hardly run into one another.

After sliding out of bed, I quickly pull on some clothes and walk out of my room to get a drink.

About five minutes later, I walk out into the sitting room to find Lucius staring out the window "Another nightmare?" Lucius asks, not even glancing back to me.

"Yeah." I sigh, before slugging towards the empty arm chair next to his "What are you doing up?"

He smiles at me, before declaring "I'm just thinking." I cock an eyebrow to him and he looks me over "Of your mother."

I give a weak smile, before asking "Why do you think of her, tonight, of all nights?"

He give a knowing look "I think of her every night." He pats my hand softly "But tonight, I wonder if she'd be proud of you going to Hogwarts."

I chuckle softly, before announcing "Only three more days! I've had my trunk packed for a month!"

He sniffles, before nodding "I'm going to miss our late night talks, and the outrageously sweet tea times."

I give him a sad look "Father, I'll be home for Christmas, and I'll write you every day!"

He nods, before shrugging "It's just... I just got my son back, and you're just leaving me!"

I furrow my brow "I'd never leave you." He bats his eyes and I whisper "Prehaps Dumbledore will let me sneak out, so we can wreak havoc on London."

He wipes his eyes and he sniffles, before declaring "I'm going to ask him."

I rest my hand on his and scoff "Father, there's no need to cry! It will be fine!"

He nods, before changing the subject "Is Harry still asleep?" I scoff, again, and he smiles "Yeah, he sleeps like a corpse."

"To put it lightly." I remark, before shrugging "I did do a dousey on him, before we feel asleep."

He gives a soft smile, before sighing "Yeah, Tonks told me she saw you two, during her look out." He narrows his gaze "Told me to tell you to close your curtains."


As we walk around Diagon Alley, heads roll our way. After the Tri-Wizard Tournament, we stepped away from the wizarding world, not knowing who to trust.

Harry doesn't even notice everyone staring, as he looks to me "Do we need anything besides books?"

I shake my head and Lucius asks the twins "What do you plan on doing after you graduate Hogwarts?"

Fred and George look to one another, before declaring in unison "We wanna start a joke shop!"

Lucius gives a fascinated look, before asking "A joke show? A couple of tricksters, are you?"


When it comes time to board the train for Hogwarts, Lucius grabs hold of my jacket and asks "Are you nervous?"

I shake my head, before joking "I think you're nervous enough for the both of us."

He scoffs, before the train toots it's whistle "You should go." I nod and start to climb on, only he calls out "I love you."

A smile spreads across my lips and I look back at him "I love you, too." He smiles, before I nod back towards the train "I gotta go!"

He gives a proud smile, before I step onto the train. It's not until the train starts to move that my gaze drifts from him.

Once we're off, I start down the hall to look for Harry. About halfway through the train car, I find the compartment they sit in.

When I step in, Harry smirks "Lucius is a bit sappy, isn't he?"

I shrug "He's scared that I might off myself, I think." Harry furrows his brow and I remark "He's breathing down my neck, trying to make me feel like I'm loved."

Hermione furrows her brow "We all love you, Draco."

I scoff "And nobody is letting me forget it." I mockingly hum, before joking quoting "Hey Draco, I like your hair this morning. Did you have a nightmare about the rapes? Did you put grease in it?"

Hermione sighs, before declaring "And do you want to off yourself?" I scoff and she frowns.

"A suicidal person isn't going to say that they're suicidal!" I insist, before shrugging "And if that doesn't answer your question, no! I don't want to fucking off myself!"

Ron furrows his brow "But wouldn't a suicidal person deny wanting to off themself?"

I give an unamused look, before looking between them "Yeah, I was raped. Yeah, my bestfriend died. Yeah, I'm not alright, but I am like a finch!"

Harry and Ron give a confused look and Hermione explains "Charles Darwin discovered multiple subtypes of finches with different beaks. Hints, Darwin's theory of evolution."

I smile in the discomfort "I'm a Slytherin, because I can adapt!" I shrug "Self preservation!"

Harry gives an amused look, before declaring "A lot of Slytherins self harm."

I sigh, before pulling off my shirt and asking "Do you see any self harm here?"

Hermione gives a weak smile "It doesn't always have to be cutting, burning, or bruising."

Harry nods "Draco, you've lost a bit of weight." I scoff, before he declares "And you never finish a plate."

I furrow my brow and take a seat "I'm not losing weight, on purpose!" I shake my head "I'm just too damn tired to eat, because I can't fucking sleep!"

Ron clears her throat, before declaring "Fred and George have some treats that knock someone. Maybe it will help."

I press my lips into a fine line, before insisting "Honestly, it's the point where I would try literally anything, just to get a good solid night of sleep!"

Hogwarts Pretty Boy- Sequel to Durmstrung Pretty Boy (2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now