Chapter 7

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When Harry and I towards the great hall, Harry stops me, before asking "Is there a back way into the great hall?"

"Yeah, but it would raise suspition." I state, before finding Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle, in front of the great hall.

After a moment of silence, he asks "Why don't you come sit with me at the Gryffindor table?"

"It's against the rules." I state, before insisting "I'll sit with Blaise, keep my head down."

Harry nods, before declaring "The eight of us will leave at the same time, so they can't hurt you or Blaise."

I nod "Duck into a lavatory, and we're gone by the time they catch up." he gives a weak smile, before grabbing hold of my hand.

As we walk towards the great hall and focus souly on Harry as he comes up with a conversation "And then I tell him 'He's asleep, I'm not going to ask him about his wand at four in the morning'!"

I hum, before declaring "You could probably tell Neville anything in his sleep. I asked him a question about Thisal Thrones, on night, and he answered me the next day."

Harry hums as we stop inside the great hall "I'll ask him." he kisses he softly, before declaring "I'll see you after supper. I love you."

I smile at him "I love you, too!" and with that, I stride over to my table and take a seat next the Blaise.

About a minute later, the three shit heads stand at the end of the table, only five people away.

Umbridge speaks at the front of the great hall "Students!" she speaks up, pulling all attention from the three "As you've all noticed, Miss Parkinson, Mister Crabbe, and Mister Goyle, are back at Hogwarts!"

"That's rubbish!" Fred screams from the Gryffindor table.

"They're rapists!" George screams, causing everyone to look to them.

Umbridge takes a moment, before declaring "The illegit victim's story is false! These three students were outstanding, and charged too hardly! By a corrupted Minsister, I might add!"

I chuckle softly, in the silence of the great hall, causing everyone to look at me. As my chuckling turns to cackling, Umbridge asks "What's so comically, Mister Malfoy?"

I use Blaise as a pull up, before asking the people of Hogwarts "Who here thinks that I lied about being raped?"

The three and Umbridge raise their hands and I sigh "Okay, be honest! I know a couple of students think I was lying!"

A handful of students raise their hands, so I nod "Then maybe you should hear the story!"

Before anyone can stop me, I explain "Pansy tied by hands to my bed. Crabbe and Goyle, stabbed me, and left me in my bed, tied up." I scoff "Now, I'm pretty kinky, but I'm always the dominate!"

Harry stands up and agrees "He's not lying." I point to him and he scoffs "Before Pansy raped him, I woke up next to him, every morning! Now, he's never there when I wake! Half the time we have sex, we have to stop!"

I nod to him and declare "Umbridge, that so called 'professor', want to make it look like I'm lying, so she can let those fuckfaces-" I point towards the three "back in."

Harry speaks up "She wants Draco to break, because who the fuck knows! Says he wasn't raped, because he's gay, and a boy!"

Pansy speaks up "Maybe he doesn't want to sleep with you!"

I furrow my brow at her "Are you fucking nuts? It's Harry James fucking Potter! Every guy's dirty secret and every girl's wet dream! Who doesn't want to sleep with him?"

He gives a pleased look, before sneering at Pansy "Look who's fucking talking! How many guys have slept with you?"

Practically all of the upperclassmen raise their hands and I laugh "Yeah, you're a psycho, stretched-out, cunt!"

Umbridge declares "That's enough!" we look to her and she huffs in anger "You four will have a month of dentention, to talk through all of this!"

I shake my head "No I won't." she cocks an eyebrow to me and I insist "You can expel me if you want, but it will cost you your job. I'm not sitting in a room with those three! You can't make me do shit!"

She sets her jaw, before ordering "Get off the table and take a seat, Mister Malfoy!" I cross arms in front of me "You too, Mister Potter!"

As Harry takes a seat, I stand strong and Umbridge sighs "What are you doing, Mister Malfoy?"

I shrug, before looking to Harry. I nod to him, before looking to her "You admit Voldemort is back."

Whispering erupts in the great hall and Umbridge sets her jaw "I will, if you admit you weren't raped."

I smirk at her, before nodding "Good luck when he comes for you." And with that, I step off the table to sit next to Blaise.

He whispers "You have got balls of steel." I give a weak smile and the three sit across the table.

Pansy sits in front of me and I glance up to find Harry staring at the back of her head. I give him a weak smile, before looking to Blaise "How was your day?"

He shrugs "It was pretty good." I hum as I reach for a the plate in fron of me. As I pull a couple of lamb chops onto my plate, he explains "I skipped Advanced Potions, because I was trying to find a bed for tonight."

I furrow my brow at him and ask "And did you? Because you can crash with me, if you'd like."

He nods, before declaring "I'm staying with-" he glances towards Pansy, before leaning forward to whisper "Oliver Wood."

I furrow my brow and ask "So, is that going to be a thing, now?"

He shrugs, before deciding "It'll be a thing while I've got a place to sleep." he whispers to me "Besides, he's a prefect. He's got his own room."

I chuckle, before forking some food into my mouth "Yeah, that's a plus side."

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