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"Are you going to work today?"

I turned my head away from the window I'd been staring out of in an attempt not to have to talk to Nicholas, tapping against the half empty mug of latte in my hands. I didn't really have a specific reason not to want to interact with him, if not the argument we'd had the night before. In all honesty, calling it an argument would've been making it was greater than it'd been - Nicholas had simply expressed his disappointment in me after discovering I'd spent my last years of school hanging out with such a foul crowd - referring to Zayn and Harry. It turned out that he'd definitely picked up on the little exchange that had taken place between the two, and now he thought of Harry even worse than before.

I'd just let it go and let him ramble on and on while pretending to listen, really not feeling like arguing with him about something like that. He's stopped on his own anyway, when he felt like he'd explained his point thoroughly, and at that point I'd decided to just go to sleep, successfully ending any kind of conversation that could've taken place after.

"Not really" I said honestly, "I had to go to the studio with Harry but he's working today, so he'll only be available later this afternoon." I kept staring at him right after I finished speaking, waiting for him to say something about it, some kind of snarky remark that would've only pissed me off, but he said nothing.

"Alright" he replied, "I'll see you later tonight then."

I gave him a surprised look as he left the room, and raised an eyebrow not too long after, when I heard him shut the door loudly. I stood up and entered the living room, wanting to make sure that he'd actually left, a bit confused when I realised he hadn't even tried to fight me about it.

I shrugged and went back to sitting next to the window, deeming the whole thing weird, but deciding that it wasn't worth investigating and going back to drinking my latte, enjoying the sudden peace and quiet that had fallen on the house as soon as Nicholas had left.

I spent the rest of my morning cleaning around the house and overall pretending I had something to do while thinking of what I could've done that afternoon with Harry.

The only downside of spending time with him so regularly was that I got to go over all my main ideas fairly quick, and so at times I ended up being stuck with not knowing what to do. Unfortunately, that day was one of those times.

Logically speaking, I should've just called Harry and told him he didn't have to come since I didn't have any specific plans, but I really didn't want to do that. I liked to spend time with Harry, and now that I knew he did too I really didn't see the point in not letting it happen. But it would've been a bit weird to ask him to just hang out, for me at least. We'd never truly planned to do that, it'd just ended up happening, so it would've been way too odd to start planning it in that moment.

So I spent the rest of my day trying to come up with something for us to do, and then I ended up deciding that the best option would've been for us to go to the park again - there was the sun outside and the weather had started being a bit warmer, so it surely would've been fun to take some pictures outside as we'd already done in the past.

I went to the studio about a couple of hours before Harry's arrival, deciding to catch up on some things while I waited for him to come.

•   •   •

"I was thinking of going to a park again" I stated, looking up from the camera I'd been playing with as soon as I heard the front door open.

Assuming that I would've listened to music while catching up on some sketches, I'd convinced him to use the key I'd left for him under the doormat to get into the studio. I wouldn't have wanted him to end up knocking for hours because I simply couldn't hear him, so I couldn't help but be incredibly grateful that he'd given in at the end - but not before letting me know that it would've exclusively been a one time thing.

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