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I love this ship ok? 


Nightmare was pacing back and forth in his Castle. He was alone, thinking of his new plan. Walking around his throne as he tried to make his plan perfect! Waiting for his disciples, more like family, to arrive.

He had just finished his number 555 turn around his throne when Error arrived with Dust and Horror. Right behind them was Killer, Red, Raspberry and Cross.

"Finally.. What took you all so long?" Nightmare asked, crossing his arms, annoyed.

"It's only been five minutes relax, geez..." Dust replied.

They all stopped a meter or two away from Nightmare's throne, waiting for him to speak.

"Dust." He started. "You remember what we talked about yesterday?"


"Then you go do your part, Killer!? You go with him." Nightmare said, pointing out. Dust and Killer nodded and left while the others were still waiting, not knowing what was going on. Once the two were out of sight, Nightmare spoke again.

"Alright, I have a plan and a task for all of you. Killer's birthday is near and i need help setting a party for him."

"a PaRtY?!" Error asked, a bit confused. "wHaT's A pArTy?"

"really dude?" Red replied, laughing. "how do you not know 'bout parties?"

"Quiet! You'll see soon enough Error, for now, all of you will do what i ask and i trust that you will be able to do your part right!" Nightmare added. "Dust is in charge of distracting Killer, while Cross will be in charge of the music. Horror, you're in charge of snacks. Raspberry, you're in charge of drinks. Red, you will clean this place up so we can set up everything that Error will buy at the store. And I will make sure everyone do their part right, while i'll also make sure everything is perfect. Any questions?"

"yea, do i look like a maid to ya?" Red asked.

"Pff, you're just missing the dress!" Cross said, laughing.

"HoW aM i SuPpOsEd To BuY sTuFf WiThOuT aNyOnE cAlLiNg ThE sQuId?" Error asked, not happy.

"Well-" Nightmare started, but got interrupted by Horror. "What kind of snacks exactly?"

"I don't even know what kind of music you want..." Cross added.

"Is wine okay?" Raspberry asked.

"SILENCE!" Nightmare shouted, out of patience. "Red, I just need you to pick up the broom and clean the floors. Cross, Killer likes those old rock and roll CDs, go get that! Horror, you know what kind of snacks Killer likes so, go get that! No Raspberry, not only wine and Error, you will need a disguise."

"fine..." Red said, rolling his eyes and walked away searching for the broom.

"Well i guess i could find something other than wine..." Raspberry said, walking away to do his part.

"See you later then!" Cross said opening a portal and left.

Horror simply left to go get the snacks without saying anything, while Error was still waiting, his arms crossed.

"So? WhAt KiNd Of DiSgUiSe?" Error asked, after a minute or two.

"How do you feel about changing your look?"

"...." Error said nothing back and instead listen to Nightmare.

"You will need a different hoodie, pants shoes and maybe gloves to hide the colors of your hands too." Nightmare said, while walking away to one of the rooms that have a lot of clothes for some reason. Error close behind him, they found an outfit that would make him blend in with the rest of a certain colorful Au.

"Alright, now go and buy all of these!" Nightmare gave Error a piece of paper, with all the supplies he had to buy, with a bag of money. "Now go!" Nightmare added, as Error left through his portal.

"Alright... Now to make sure my gift is perfect..." Nightmare left to his room to prepare his gift. Or more specifically, wrap it up. 


This is Chapter one! Hope you liked it!! Tell me if you'd like me to continue :)

A 'Killer' birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now