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In a music shop in Dancetale, Cross was looking through many old rock music CDs.

And he was bored...

"Who still listens to those, these days...? This sucks... I don't even know which one he actually likes!" Cross sighed "Maybe i should go back and ask Nightmare? Nah, he'll probably freak out that i haven't found anything yet..." Cross thought, rolling his eyes at nothing.

He continued to look around, hoping he would find something. Instead, he heard a very familiar voice coming from behind him. He turned towards the sound, only to see Dream talking to Dance about the new pop album that Dancetale Mettaton just released. Cross jumped and hid behind an aisle, hoping Dream or Dance didn't saw him.

Unfortunately for him... Both of them saw him...

"Hey Cross!" Dream said laughing "Why are you hiding like that?" He asked, looking at Cross adorably happy, smiling. Cross stood up quickly, blushing a dark purple "Uuh... Well.." Seing Cross searching for words, Dance smiled "searchin' for a good ol' rock 'n roll cd, eh? is killer askin' for this for his b-day?"

"Birthday?" Dream asked, his eyes sparkling like stars "It's Killer's birthday?" Cross rolled his eyes at Dance, but smiled at Dream "Yes, Nightmare is making me get some music 'cause he wants to make a party for him!" Cross started to sweat "Shit what have i done? Nightmare is going to kill me!! WHY CAN'T I HIDE ANYTHING FROM HIM?!?!?!?!?"

"Aww, Nightmare can be so sweet when he wants to! Can i join you guys?" Dream asked, looking at Cross with puppy eyes "Uuhh... Well... I can't..." Cross tried to look away from Dream's eyes "Come one Cross, you can resist his cuteness, you have to!" He swallowed, nervous "Sorry Dream, but Nightmare is going to be furious if i bring you along..." Cross looked at the ground, not wanting to see the disappointment in Dream's eyes.

"Oh... Well you said you were my guard right? You can protect me if my brother decides to attack!" Dream smiled, almost bouncing in place. "Oh man, he's so cute... How can i say no?" Cross sighed in defeat, blushing brightly "Alright, but you'll have to help me pick up Killer's favorite music CD, 'cause i don't know which one it is..." Cross replied, scratching the back of his head.

"Sure! He told me one day in his dream!" Dream took Cross's hand, making him blush more, to show him where Killer's favorite music was. Behind them, Dance was still there, shaking his head slowly at the two "you two are such dorks..!" He said, smiling. 

Leaving the two alone, he left to his sentry post.

A 'Killer' birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now