Failed distraction

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Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait on this one... Anyway, i have to say sorry(again) to all the DustBerry shippers, but this isn't a DustBerry chapter...

Anyway(x2), i hope you'll all still enjoy it!!


The plan was quite simple really, distract Killer for as long as possible while finding good places for Nightmare to feed off of the negativity. Easy peasy!

At least, it was supposed to be...

In the whole 30 minutes they were gone, they actually found nothing. Mainly because they were only visiting Aus that didn't know about bad runs like Heaventale. Or they were visiting places like Outertale, Undernovela and finally Underswap, the place were they ended up for this chapter!(4th wall breaking! 😱 Omg!!)

Both Dust and Killer were bored, not finding anything interesting. That was, until Dust saw a certain small, baby blue scarf wearing skeleton in the distance. And when Killer's back was turned, Dust left him to go talk to the small bean, or more like flurt with him.

Talking to a resident of Snowdin town, Blueberry was having a nice conversation. When Dust got closer, the Bunny Monster back away and left, cutting their talk. Blue was confused, until he turned to face who was responsible for making his friend flee in fear. When he saw Dust standing there, Blue smiled, greeting his guest. "HELLO DUST! LONG TIME NO SEE! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" He asked. "Not much. Just wanted to see the cutest skeleton of the Multiverse." Dust replied, winking. "OH? AND WHO MIGHT THAT BE?" Blue asked, but then got excited as he gasped "ARE YOU VISITING YOUR CRUSH?" He added, with stars instead of the normal white dot for pupiles. "Something like that" Dust said, smirking.

They continued to chat, Blue asking innocent questions while Dust was just flirting with him.

Meanwhile, Killer was looking for Dust all over, having lost him in Snowdin while he had continued ahead to Waterfall. Once he came back to Snowdin, he spotted Dust talking to Blue. Killer frowned, rolled his eyes and decided to go back to Nightmare. He knew that Dust would stay here forever trying to get Blue to love him or whatever. So, he opened a portal(with one of Nightmare's thingy that he made with his magic so they could travel without Night's help) and left.

Dust, having no luck in trying to get Blue to kiss him, started to get frustrated. He decided to hug the small bean and forcing him into a kiss, but Blue surprisingly(Not so surprisingly) had enough strength to push him away. "W-WAIT! I'M SORRY, BUT... I DON'T LIKE YOU THAT WAY, DUST..." Blue looked down, feeling bad. "What do you mean?" Dust asked, looking confused, but knowing the answer. "I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE, ACTUALLY..." Dust got furious, but tried to contain it. "And who might that be?" He asked, already making plans to kill the bastard that took his bean away. "I'M SORRY, BUT I KNOW WHAT YOU WILL DO IF YOU ARE TO FIND OUT, SO... I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU!" Blue said, with confidence, but Dust was determined to find out. So, instead of throwing a tantrum(or going on a killing spree) he sigh "Well then.. Since were still friends, i have an invitation for you! Wanna go to a party?" He asked, smirking. "A PARTY?" Blue asked, eyes full of stars, smiling widely "YES!! I WANT TO!!" Dust, still smirking, nodded, looked at the time and turned to Killer... Who was nowhere to be found?

"Oh, shit..." Dust cursed. "Night's gonna kill me!!" He added, as he started to search for Killer. After a few minutes of teleporting into the entire AU and finding no trace of Killer anywhere, Dust took Blue by the wrist and used the portal device of Nightmare and went back with Blue, with hopes that Nightmare wouldn't be too mad...


Alright! Chapter over xD
I hope you enjoyed it, even if it was short and had not much in it again, i didn't had any inspirations with Blue and Dust's talk... ^^"

Next chapter, the party will be going down! (Or not?)

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