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now, horror films weren't exactly seonghwa's type of film. believe it or not, he was more into the romance or comedy type of films.

so when yeosang suggested a horror film he almost said no, that was until he saw the unbelievable excitement displayed on the younger's face.

the younger had decided they would watch the latest Annabelle film. which was exciting for him, as he had wanted to see the movie for a while. however seonghwa was slightly terrified.

he remembered that hongjoong had managed to drag him to see the first film when it came out, and he didn't open his eyes for any of it. he was more than slightly scared.

although, the older male convinced himself that it had been a few years since the first film, so he shouldn't be as scared as he was then. right?


less than five minutes into the film and seonghwa was already scared. and nothing scary had happened yet.

in all of his photoshoots he may give off a bad boy vibe, which would lead you to believe he may be able to handle horror films. or at least films that are mildly scary. 

he shifted his eyes over to the younger next to him, whose eyes were drawn to the screen. he admired the younger's ability to be able to watch horror movies without absolutely shitting himself with fear.

he shuffled towards yeosang in an attempt to feel less scared, their legs brushing together lightly. in the moment young seemed to engulfed in what was happening on the screen to notice. but on the inside his heart wouldn't stop pounding.

he knew the older couldn't handle horror films, which was one of the main reasons why he picked it. he wanted to see if he had changed since their days in school, and it was revenge for what he put the younger through. but he didn't need to know that.

everything was fine for another ten minutes of the film, until a jumpscare happened. causing seonghwa wrap himself around the younger burying his face in his neck, letting out small cries of fear.

yeosang giggled, seonghwa looked up from where he had buried himself and into the male's eyes.

"still scared of horror films?" 

upon hearing the question, seonghwa sat upright completely unwrapping himself. turning to look at the screen.

"no what are you- oh my gosh yes." as he looked at the screen, another jumpscare happened. causing him to rewrap himself around the younger.

"then why did you say yes to watching one?" yeosang asked, he had thought that the older would have said no to watching it. so he wanted to find out why he agreed.

"just, because you looked so excited. and it was cute. and I didn't want to make you have to watch something else, because you're cute when you're excited." 

his words were muffled slightly from where his head was buried in yeosang's neck, his breath tickling the younger.

yeosang smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of seonghwa's head. causing the male to look up, both of their attention having turned away from the horror movie on the screen.

the two locked eyes, neither of them seeming to want to look away first. seonghwa flicked his eyes down towards the younger's lips. leaning in closer, the two of them drawn to each other.

that was until a loud screech came from the screen, causing seonghwa to also scream. yeosang moving his hands to cover his ears.

not only did seonghwa scream in his ears, but he also fell off the sofa they were sitting on. landing on the floor with a thump. followed by groaning.

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