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the sun had risen a while ago now, the painting it had left of oranges, crimsons and yellows washed away by a light blue hue. a soft breeze accompanying it.

the breeze flowed through the city, passing through different peoples lives, sharing a moment with them befit leaving again to the next person. 

it made its way into an apartment in the northern end of the city, blowing the curtains lightly that had been opened to let in some light. the bed in the room occupied by a smaller male, still sleeping soundly to the music of the birds and traffic outside. signing him a small melody.

just beyond the door, further into the apartment; the older was cooking breakfast for the two. having dressed himself in an oversized jumper and a pair of knee length shorts.

he had received a few confused texts and phone calls from his friends but had answered them quickly and confidently. switching his phone off and leaving the two males to themselves.

the older was making scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon; having a bowl of fruit ready too just in case his boyfriend wanted some.

once everything was ready, he walked to his bedroom seeing the younger still sleeping peacefully. he grabbed some clothes for him, knowing that he probably wouldn't want to wear what he was wearing the night before.

he lay out the outfit he had picked, walking over to the sleeping male. peppering kisses all over his face, waking him up but not too harshly. allowing him to adjust to the morning light.

as he opened his eyes, seonghwa lay himself on top of the half asleep yeosang; who gave a small oof at the motion.

"morning princess." seonghwa sang to the male, who squinted his eyebrows in reply.

"princess?" he questioned the nickname.

"why do you not like it?" the older male pouted, causing yeosang's heart to pang.

"no, I dont mind it." yeosang replied, seonghwa smiling at him lovingly. the taller male got up, pointing to the outfit he had played out for his boyfriend.

"you can wear these, come out when you're dressed. I made breakfast." 

with that, he left the room leaving yeosang to himself to fully wake up and get changed into seonghwa's clothes.

as he awoke, yeosang adjusted to the situation around him. memories of the night before, fresh in his mind.

not only that, but the realisation that this was the first time he hadn't ran away after having sex with someone the morning after. and that it was with someone he truly felt comfortable with. this was also the first time that he had sex with seonghwa (that he knew of).

he pulled himself out of the older's bed, (which was really comfortable) and made his was over to the clothes he had laid out. pulling them over himself, covering his bare skin. 

the realisation that the clothes were too big for him never really occurred as he walked out into the main area of the apartment where seonghwa had made breakfast. the said male looked over towards his boyfriend, cooing at how adorable he looked in his oversized clothes. 

the two of them sat down at the table, both of them digging into the food laid out. enjoying every second of it.

it was silent apart from the chirping of birds, and the two males eating their food. a nice comfortable silence. before seonghwa decided to break it.

"I was thinking..." he began, catching the attention of the younger male. "maybe we should come out to the public. as a couple?" he looked up to meet the younger's eyes.

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