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the breeze picking up outside was cool, blowing yeosangs hair lightly as he walked along the pavement. the sounds of passing traffic blending into the chatter of those around him. each having their own conversations.

saying that he was nervous would be a slight understatement in this situation. he didn't know the girl that seonghwa had been talking to, and rumours around were saying that the older male was cheating on him with this girl.

so nervous wasn't exactly the right word to describe it.

terrified seemed more appropriate.

he neared the cafe where seonghwa had said they would all meet up, the cool breeze nipping at his skin. making him regret wearing a thinner jumper in the cool weather.

upon arriving at the cafe, he pushed in through the door, finding that the cafe was quite cosy. another smaller cafe, but it was still quite busy seeing that it was in a quite part of the city.

he scanned the cafe, finding his boyfriend waving at him form one of the tables in the corner. he couldn't see the girl yet as she had her back to him.

walking over slowly, he calmed himself by breathing in and out slowly. it always seemed nerve wracking meeting new people, especially if this was the supposed girl that seonghwa had been cheating on him with. 

but obviously he was about to find out.

seonghwa stood to meet his boyfriend, who was a few feet away from the table, grabbing his hand and dragging him over. the two of them sitting down opposite the female sat at the table. seonghwa not letting go of yeosangs hand, which brought the younger male comfort.

as he looked up to see the female across from him, he was stunned momentarily. she was quite a petit girl, long brown hair flowing down her back with a fringe at the front. she was wearing an oversized cardigan with a blouse and skirt underneath making her look quite warm.

she also had an incredibly pretty face, freckles that were visible from where yeosang was sitting as well as small dimples that graced her cheeks when she smiled. not to mention the fact that she had an adorable eye smile. if he was straight, he may have fallen for the woman in front of him.

"yeosang, this is fern, fern this is yeosang." 

fern reached her hand out for yeosang to shake, which he did. smiling at the woman across from him. 

"seonghwa talks about you a lot." fern spoke, smiling widely. seeming as if she was admiring the couple in front of her. 

"really?" yeosang was slightly surprised, he didn't really expect seonghwa to talk about him much to other people. "only good things I hope."

"oh definitely, he doesn't shut up talking about you." seonghwa seemed to send the girl a warning look, as if telling her to shut up, but she flat out ignored him concentrated on the younger male in front of her.

"he seems to bring it up any opportunity that he gets honestly, which is why I wanted to meet you so bad." she gazed towards the two, noticing their hands still together and feeling her smile grow even more.

"thats weird, because he's never told me about you." yeosang spoke, not meaning to sound rude with what he said, but noticing it may have sounded that way.

fern placed her hand on her chest, opening her mouth in mock offence. "thats so painful, park seonghwa what do you have to say about this?"

seonghwa was just sat there, unsure of how to speak up in this situation. "I think I'll go get us some drinks. anything you guys want?"

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