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the soft light of the morning sun flooded in through the room of the hotel. brightening up the room, caressing the messy bedsheets in the room. the window was slightly open, allowing the sound of the city around to be heard by the occupants or occupant of the room.

yeosang awoke, rubbing his head trying to soothe the headache that had presented itself. he had no memory of how he got to where he was. not only did he have the pain in his head, but as he tried to sit up a shooting pain went through his back.

he looked around the room, noticing he was in a hotel room. seeing his clothes thrown on the floor, he looked under the covers and confirmed that he was, in fact, naked.

this seemed to give a vague idea of what had happened last night, but he still couldnt remember who, or why?

how much did he have to drink? too much.

it wasn't the first time something like this had happened, but the majority of the time he was able to remember the face of the person he had done it with. however nothing came to mind.

he decided he wouldn't remember anything by sitting in the bed all day; getting himself out of bed and briskly showering before putting his clothes back on and heading out of the hotel. limping slightly.

he just headed home, glad there was no schedule today. he didn't know what he would have done if he'd had a shoot.


"hongjoong, I fucked up big time." seonghwa spoke over the phone to his best friend/ manager.

"you fuck up a lot, you're going to have to elaborate." hongjoong replied, clattering noises coming from the back ground. presumably he was cooking, or juggling pans.

"I may have fucked yeosang." the model spoke quietly, not really understanding completely what had happened himself. but he knew they had.

"you're gonna have to speak up I can't hear you."

"I fucked yeosang."

the reply was nothing but the clattering of more pans, followed by shouts of pain and then-


"yeah." seonghwa held the phone away from his ear slightly, expecting the shouting to continue.

"you mean kang yeosang, your number one rival who you seem to hate with your entire being?"

"yeah, that yeosang."

"oh my go-" the line cut out, seonghwa just sighed. allowing himself to think back to the morning.

slowly the sun was traveling further up into the sky, creating some painting of reds and yellows. seen clearly through the view of the hotel room seonghwa happened to find himself waking up in.

he opened his eyes slowly, feeling someone by his side. he assumed they were still sleeping, deciding to be as quiet as possible. he wasn't exactly surprised he was in a hotel room with a stranger, but he could only vaguely remember what had happened the night before.

a voice coming through his head, a memory form last night. but no picture to go with it, all he could tell was someone moaning his name.

after thinking for a few minutes, he noticed he'd never actually looked to see who it was. but he would've expected anything but what he saw.

his eyes where met with the one and only yeosang. eyes tracing over the marks he had presumably left on the male from the night before. feeling a mix of regret and confusion. what events had lead up to- oh.

' "you know you're such a dick seonghwa."

"you've told me that before yeosang."

"I know, but you're so fucking gorgeous. god I want to fuck you." '

well. now he know what seemed to lead up to it.

he was confused, he seemed to look at the younger male. his stomach feeling bubbly.

but he blamed that on the fact he hadn't had any breakfast.

he hopped out of bed, dressing himself quickly but quietly so he didn't wake the younger male. heading down to the lobby and out of the hotel. immediately calling hongjoong.

while thinking seonghwa had unconsciously walked himself home, ready to spend some time in his bed. maybe watch Netflix and eat ice cream.

it was his day off after all.

he unlocked the door to the apartment, opening it to find in hadn't been invaded by his friends while he wasn't in it. wandering over to the bathroom, showering and changing into some different clothes. ready to relax on his bed.

but all good things come to an end.

his phone vibrated from where it was sat on the bed next to him, a text message coming through from hongjoong.

i know you just fucked
the guy and all but
some companies have offered
you both more opportunities

and you think i'll do

nope,,, but if you don't
you'll need to find a
new manager bc these
companies are offering
large amounts of money

as if that would sway me

how much?

like 100,000 per photo
shoot and there's at least
12 photo shoots

are you serious???
if you aren't joking then
i'll do it but you'll
have to ask yeo or
his manager about

yeo? where did that nickname
come from?
and don't worry i'll talk to
wooyoung about it
although i'm pretty sure he
already knows

i'll text you later
i'm trying to watch
hotel del luna

seonghwa turned his phone off, not wanting to be disturbed while he watched the show he wanted to. his mind seemed to occasionally wander back to remembering what had happened the night before. through the day remembering it more and more.


"I'm telling you woo, I can't remember!"

the two friends were sat in a cafe, yeosang having told wooyoung about what he could remember from the night before. 

while he was walking, limping, home he changed his mind and texted wooyoung to meet him at the cafe they normally talked in.

"okay but how much do you remember from last night?" wooyoung asked, he knew that drunk yeosang would never remember anything. always finding someone to sleep with by the end of the night of he hadn't already passed out.

"like, up until you and hongjoong stopped talking about the photoshoot?" yeosang felt disappointed in himself. he knew his limits but still seemed to push them every time. he felt angry at himself, inhaling sharply. eyes brimming with tears.

"okay, no. yeosang stop." wooyoung moved over to sit next the older male. "I know what you're doing, its not you fault."

"but thats the thing it is my fault! I'm the one that drank so much they can barely remember what happened! I'm the one who went and fucked someone I might not even know!" tears spilling over, wooyoung just hugged his friend. trying to get him to stop.

he'd seen it before it happened every time.

every time.


new idea: you're is now written like yore

actually wait nvm thats a real word

also I made yeosang one of those people that cry when they're angry sorry :)

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