𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 2

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"be quiet " kentrell says wrapping his hand around nahmirs throat .

He brings Nahmir in for a hot kiss where both their tongues fight for dominance , theyre almost sucking each others faces off .

Nahmir  feels lust rush through his body , a feeling of wanting more . So he breaks away from the heated kiss and stares Trell in the eyes as he bends down on his knees. He maintains eye contact as he pulls off Trells boxers and his erect pops out with Precum dripping from his slit .

Nahmir takes his tongue and licks the Precum clean and wets the tip all while staring into Trells eyes . Trells leg begins to shiver as nahmir rubs his hand up and down his thighs as he sucks the living shit out of him .

popping noises , slurps , gagging & moaning sounds all leave nahmirs lips as he sucks off trell . Trells eyes remain closed as he bobs nahmirs head back and forth .

"Suck it harder " trell  moans out , he soon regrets it because nahmir begins to gawk on kentrells dick . Deepthroating all 10 inches .

"Oh my fucking god , FUCK" Kentrell groans as he nuts all in nahmirs throat , nahmir moans on his dick before swallowing all his cum .

"Turn around"trell says sternly , nahmir obeys and lays his face in the sheets and his ass in the air spreading his legs and using his hands to spread his ass checks for trell .

His tight hole quivers when he feels Trell slap his dick on his ass "put it innn" Nahmir whines . trell begins to finger nahmir , "mmm" nahmir  moans as he arches onto trells  fingers .

Trell soon slams roughly into nahmir making nahmir fall flat on the bed but trell pulls him back into his position and thrust fast lay in and out of poor Nahmir . Trell  tugs on nahmirs hair and slaps his ass continually , "K-kentrell" nahmir moans out as he falls flap from tiredness .

Trell then flips him over and starts to feast on his core making nahmirs legs shake . Trell pins nahmirs legs up and starts to bury his face in nahmirs pussy  . He licks and flicks his tongue all over nahmir . Nahmir tried to push his head but he couldn't .

The juices from nahmir pussy drip off of trells face as he lifts up after nahmir came . Nahmir laid there out of breath tired and filled with pleasure . Trell pulls nahmir on top of him and rubs his back as they lay down and fall asleep .

(next morning , trell pov)

I lift up from the bed and see that Nahmir isn't next to me so I get up and look around . Damn this house is huge "NAHMIR ! Where are you ?" I say walking through the house with nothing on but my boxers .

"I'm in here trell " Nahmir says loudly , I tip toe in the living room to see nahmir in my shirt on the floor holding drawings .

I bend down next to him and look at the paintings , sketches and shading . Nahmir snatches then behind him "you can't see these" nahmir says cutely  smiling .

"Why not ? There really good " I say trying to get a hold of them , I carefully snatch the papers from him and look through them . He nervously watches me while standing on his tippy toes ... "you like ?" He says smiling at me .

"Where did you learn how to draw like this ? It's really good" I say looking at the detail on the pictures. "My brother taught me " Nahmir says sounding a little sad , "is this him ?" I say holding up a drawing of a curly haired boy with face tatoos and he resembled Nahmir.

"Yeah that's him " Nahmir says grabbing it and smiling , he pulls the drawing to his heart and clenches onto it lightly smiling . "Draw me" I say looking up at him .

He look at me with a confused facial expression "um no I don't think so , I'm not that good " Nahmir says embarrassedly laughing . "You are that good , so draw me" I say looking him in the eyes .

It stays that way for seconds , until he pulls his hair into two pony tails and grabs his pencil , "stand right there and just sit " Nahmir  says nervously fidgeting around . I stand up and hold his hands by his sides "calm down , it's me , your gonna be okay " I say in a soothing voice .

He blankly stares at me and nods his head , I lean back and sit down and see that he's not as shaky "so what school do you go to ?" I say trying to start conversation.

"Well I'm not in school yet , I was homeschooled" Nahmir says looking at the canvas . "Dam you lucky as fuck " I say laughing , "nah not really , I didn't wanna be homeschool but I had too since back in 8th grade I really had issues with everyone because I'm "WeIrD" nahmir says with quotation marks over weird .

"Mane forget them , you cool as hell " I say truthfully, "you really mean that ?" Nahmir says excitedly.. "yeah duh " I say grinning at him .

"Well let me know about you" Nahmir says , "well I'm an only child and I'm a freshman , my name kentrell I have like 3 close friends my parents are never home they work a lot , they don't get me either  " I say shrugging my shoulders , "I know how you feel " nahmir says in a gloomy tone .

"My mom means well she just never understands , I don't blame her either . You can't feel anybodies feelings until you actually expiernce it "nahmir says sadly .

"Like I said , I tell her that I don't know why but I feel like I don't know my purpose or what am I here for . There's nothing wrong but I don't feel right . I feel so lost and out of place . But she just can't stop going on about how much I have and I'm ungrateful.."

"I appreciate every last thing I own , but not any of these things help me or will help me shake this feeling . Clothes and objects can't just make me know what's wrong with me or what I'm missing .. this shit means nothing to me , not this big house , not that huge pool out there . The iPhone 11 that's in my room ... nothing it's all just expensive shit that has no base or meaning " nahmir says as he writes on his canvas .

"And you just really base your purpose on the next big thing that your doing or what's happening but then you think what's next after that ? What am I doing with my life after this happens" I say finishing his sentence .

He looks at me suprisedly "exactly" Nahmir says quietly.

Nahmir quietly walks to me and sits on my lap lays his head on my shoulder

"You ... get me" nahmir  says quietly .

$$ YOU GET ME 💕🤷🏽‍♀️ $$

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Friday , September 20 1:05 am 2019

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