𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 5

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Kentrell POV ..

that next week went by slower than kentrell had imagined , he distanced himself from all his friends . hadn't called or even seen anybody since the night he left nahmirs house .

Kentrell just so badly wanted to go to mirs house and hug him , kiss him , cuddle him . he was in a deep state , he couldn't eat , couldn't sleep , was so lazy sometimes almost peed on himself just bc he was too weak to go to the bathroom .

school was tomorrow and he didn't even feel like going , he just wanted to stay home and mope around . 700 times a day kentrell thought about the same thing over and over .... Nahmir, Nahmir was the only thing on his mind . "What's Nahmir doing "  is all he thought about.

He would have such vivid dreams of him being with mir  and wake up in a cold sweat ... but he would be alone .

he hadn't talked to summer at all , he knew that she had probably been calling him back to back but to be honest he didn't really care . he was nowhere near worried about her .

(next day at school)

i wave good bye to my mom as he drives off and I start to walk towards the school slowly "damn I really don't wanna fucking go here" I say aloud , " and look at this dickhead wearing that nut ass visor , it's no sun out this bitch " i say looking at sum boy .

"it's every year wit this bitch come to school wit this same ass recycled wig , that shit making me itch " i say turning my lip up , "KENTRELL I hear someone yell from behind me .

i can tell it's summer , fuck this im not ready for her ass yet . I begin to walk a little faster and I can now feel her footsteps get closer , "damn , damn , damn , gotdammmm" i mumble to myself.

I feel my shoulder getting smacked back and I turn around and see that I'm facing Nahmir, my eyes are amazed and my mouth is agape . "You can't get rid of me , this is meant to be "Nahmir says angrily . "Hey kentrell" I hear someone else call me .. I turn to see it's summer .

As much as I wanted to hug mir .. this can't happen I have to be strong .. "no it's not " I say quietly walking away from him and running towards summer . "Hey who was that " summer says wrapping her arm around me , "nobody , nobody at all " I say quickly as I escort her to class .

(in trells reading class)

"bro you seen that new boy " I hear Mikey mention to Nathan , "yeah .. the little small one wit the fat but ?"Nathan says smiling . "yeah bro he fire , imma talk to him .. I think he got my calc class "Mikey says .

please don't be who i think it is .

(skipping to calc class)

I slowly walk into calc class and sit in my usual seat behind Mikey at my desk with an empty seat next to me .

as soon as i sat down i saw mir storm inside the room , I turn my head to avoid contact with him but he spots me and takes a seat right next to me .

"Hi sunshine, how are you this morning" mir  says smiling and unpacking his bookbag . "I'm fine " I say quietly, Nahmir  quickly grabs my face and try's to kiss me but I pull away .

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 | 𝐘𝐁𝐍𝐁𝐀Where stories live. Discover now