𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 20

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Today is Mir birthday and honestly I'm pretty sure he doesn't want anything else but to watch movies and fuck so I'm not gonna even bother to take his crazy nowhere. This sounds crazy but everywhere we go summer is there , this bitch is in every corner we turn.

There ain't a party going on in the city that she ain't attending the bitch is a local. I can't stand her ass she just so annoying. How you following me and my bitch around the city. "A1 come here" I say as I walk in the living room. I don't see Mir anywhere and I'm not gonna try and look for him prolly writing hiself some crazy birthday song or sharpening a knife or some weird shit. Niggas know the usual

"Hey big head" Mir says jumping on my back and startling me. I lift him up and kiss his lips softly. "What you wan do for ya birthday pretty girl " I say staring into his eyes. "I know exactly what we're gonna do so all I need you to do is go get dressed I'll be right back okay ?" Mir says smiling. I can already tell he going to go do something he not supposed to, "no you ain't your lil ass staying put it's your birthday and your not supposed to plan what your gonna do on your own birthday I'm supposed to do that " I say pointing a stern finger in his face

"I'm gonna go I'll be back " Nahmir says jumping up and walking off, I chase after him and grab his wrist he quickly wraps his arms around my neck tightly "I said I'll be back " he says through gritted teeth before snatching away from me and walking out and slamming the door.

I stand there confused and angry. I grab the vase on the counter and slam it into the wall. I look over and see a1 starring with a grim look, "fucking crazy " I scream as I walk to the bathroom and head into the shower.


Nahmir speeds down the road almost crashing into several cars but he's in a hurry and needs to move fast. Summer decided to text Nahmir this morning and ask to meet so he's going but not in a happy mood.

"I say we kill her"

"Id say so too if today wasn't my birthday and there weren't literally records of me meeting up with her this morning which is obvious that I was there "

"So what you never get caught "

"That's DOESNT necessarily mean get sloppy and just start killing with no plan does it either ?"


"IM NOT FUCKING SCARED YOU ASSHOLE" Nahmir screams loudly. A man at the corner looks at Nahmir confusedly. Nahmir waves and smiles before pulling off quickly.

"Look what your fucking doing, making me look like a lunatic in public" Nahmir says rolling his eyes

"Look like a lunatic ? Look like a lunatic ? Your already a lunatic "

"STOP FUCKING TALKING TO ME" Nahmir screams as he bangs on the dash board before pulling into summers drive way. He takes a few deep breaths and pulls down the sun blockers to check how he looks. "Great I look like shit " Nahmir says smiling sarcasticly at himself before putting on his shades and stepping out the car.

Surprisingly summer and her parents are already in the drive way waiting for him. "Great" Nahmir mumbles with a fake smile on his face, "hello misses and mister gails how are you today " Nahmir says waving frantically as he approaches the family.

They stand still as stone, no smiles or waving.

"So what did ya wanna talk to me about summer bummer" Nahmir says falsely smiling as he reaches to put his arm on summers shoulder. Before Nahmir can rest his arm on his shoulder summer smacks his hand. "Don't fucking play nice with me you sick fuck you know exactly why your here" summer says with aggression in her tone

Nahmirs smile fades and his pulse rises. "Well why am I here summer " Nahmir says with a bland smile on his face. Before summer can continue her boring obnoxious rant her father speaks "why don't you two come on in " he says as him and summers mother lead the way into the front door.

They all enter the living room and Nahmir sits in a chair more towards the door while summers mother and father sit on a sofa across the room with a brown trim. The fire burns as if it's not 80. Degrees outside and the house yet still cold. " you know I've been playing this little let's win kentrell game back and forth but it's over for you girl , boy , it whatever you people call yourself okay ? your done ! Once he finds out everything we know he won't want to be anywhere near you I'm even scared being in the same room with you " summer says angrily

Nahmir mentally rolls his eyes and face palms. " who the hell could you have paid that much for my medical information Joe Biden " Nahmir says hysterically laughing. Mr. gails smiles and stands to his feet and walks over to Nahmir slowly. Nahmir slowly stands with an evil smirk on his face.

Standing face to face now, lips almost touching mr.fails leans to nahmirs ear and whispers "listen faggot I know you think your like the mister miyagi of killing but I will have you cut into pieces". Mr.gails backs away from Nahmir and goes back to his seat.

"Now you really have to kill them"

"I know" Nahmir mumbles to himself. "Look at him he's going crazy " Nahmir says in a disgusted tone. "Listen creep , will give you 3 million in cash to leave here like you usually do and forget all about us and Kentrell but if you don't we'll give these to the school and a copy to the police and kentrell" summers says holding a big duffel bag and a portfolio.

"How bout we take both"

Nahmir smiles happily, "you win I'll leave , I want the portfolio too " Nahmir  says standing up and walking over to summer. "Fine" summer says lifting the bag and the portfolio. Nahmir grabs the duffel and portfolio before snatching his gun from the waist of his pants and shooting mr. and misses gails in the head. Summer screams and runs up the steps and Nahmir quickly followers her.

Nahmir finds summer balled up in a corner with a knife. "COME ON BITCH ILL SLIT YOU IN PIECES " she says crying and screaming

"Goodness this girl so gotdamn ugly"

"Shut up you fucking dweeb" Nahmir says before lifting the gun in summers direction.

"Save her for later "

Nahmir puts the gun down to his side and stares at summer. "You tell anyone and I kill you too " Nahmir says before running off and outside with the duffel bag and portfolio.

Nahmir quickly pulls out the driveway and zooms off.

"Some fucking birthday I'm having "Nahmir says rolling his eyes.

hey guysssss 💜💜
wow first chapter in like 2 years this feels so crazy and I'm so rusty I gotta get back into the  groove of writing again but I hope this was fine

I'm kinda glad I'm writing again. this book won't be extremely too much longer cause I've got the ending planned and everything but I love you all  so much and appreciate everyone who still reads this book 💗

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