𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 4

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(Sing this part with the instrumental slowly)


he's my number one , I don't need nothing on the side .
Said that I was done for good and don't want no more lies...
temptation on my mind , i swear it haunts me all the time ..
I stare at the scene before  I start to think decline .
But he plants a seed and it still lingers in my mind ..
Told myself I'm strong enough to shake it and I'm trying .
But im only human , I know loving you's a crime . If I take this cookie now I know I'll do the time ™️

Nahmir sings as he draws a detailed picture of kentrell  laying on his bed sleeping ..

(Meanwhile with kentrell )

"i just wanted to say I'm so sorry for the other night and I wanna apologize for the lies just I want us to be togetherness happy " summer says wiping her tears .

"Don't cry baby , I want the exact same thing . It's okay " kentrell says boredly embracing summer in a hug . "So are we back together?" Summer says looking at kentrell directly , a part of his mind slips to the thought of nahmir and soon comes back "yea we're back " Kentrell says embracing summer in a hug

"No more lies from neither of us right ? Summer says holding up her pinky . Kentrell guilty of the biggest lie wrapped his finger around summers "no more lies" he says looking her dead in the eyes .

*starts playing ' love on the brain by Rihanna *

This was the biggest lie kentrell could have ever told at this moment . He was calm and collective on the outside , happy even . But inside the guilt was eating him alive . He couldn't help but think of what about nahmir  ? How is he going to feel ?

"Well I'll just tell him and he'll understand "kentrell thought but it was just so much deeper than that .

he said his quick goodbye to his girlfriend and left quickly to nahmirs home , he drove down the road swerving and turning corners , his mind was racing .

WHAT THE FUCK had he just done ?

He finally pulled into nahmirs drive way and he didn't even park before hopping out and full on sprinting to the door .

He's out of breath and tired when he aggressively knocks on the door , nahmir slowly steps to the door . "Kentrell missed -" before nahmir could get another word out kentrell pulled him into a heated kiss put of pure nervousness , he didn't know what to say so he acted .

He realized what was happening and quickly pulled away from the kiss , "I'm sorry - I I'm just mir I can't do this I have a girlfriend and I love her I can't be with you " kentrell says ranting on before nahmir pulls him close and kisses him on the lips softly.

Kentrell wanted to pull away but he was internally and physically fighting this need , he wanted his girlfriend but he couldn't resist nahmir.

As he had already said , around mir he felt more himself than around anyone else . It was wrong ... so wrong to hurt summer like this he thought she loves me and I cheat on her ? Kentrell thought .

His mind was saying no , his mind was trying to brake away from mir but his body wouldn't let him , he finally finds the courage to break away "I can't , I can't be with you,  I love summer . I can't leave her like this " kentrell says massaging his temples and pacing around .

"You don't mean that kentrell look at you , you're here with me ! You can't leave me like this . Your fighting your true feelings ... you know your not happy with her ! Your lying to yourself . You can't be yourself with her Kentrell it's me ! I ACCEPT YOU , PLEASE " nahmir shrieks out loudly now furiously turning red and crying .

Kentrell knew mir was right , he wasn't happy at all he was just doing what he was used to he just didn't wanna have to explain himself . He didn't know how anybody would feel about him being ..... gay . He didn't wanna loose the people he grew up with over a change .

"I DONT KNOW , I DONT KNOW "kentrell screams in mirs face .

"WELL I DO KENTRELL, YOU CANT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS KENTRELL" mir  says pointing a finger in  kentrells face  . "I care about you kentrell" mir says pulling kentrells face into his chest and patting his head .

Kentrell as even more confused now then ever he softly pulled himself away from mir and kissed his hand quietly .. "no , no , no kentrell you can't do this " mir screams aggressively . "I'm sorry mir  I have to " kentrell says as a stray tear rolls down his face .

Mir tries pull him back inside but can't , kentrell slowly walks out to his car crying rivers worth of tears .

He had to erase possibly the best thing from his life today .

They hadn't know eachother not even a week , and they still felt so much emotions and feelings for eachother.

Nahmir for one was furious after kentrell left he trashed the house , "loud shrieks bouncing off the walls of the empty house and only reflecting back to him , he yelling and screaming his head was pounding and spinning at the same time . He couldn't move , he only tried to slowly get to the couch.

The pounding was becoming unbearable and the spinning was so fast that every time he opened his eyes it was a blur , he screamed and cried at the top of his lungs , he started hearing people's voices and seeing things that necessarily weren't there before .

It was happening , he was going fucking insane . He yelled and cried like somebody was killing him at the pain .

meanwhile kentrell almost just killed himself driving home, but safely made his way back he stepped into his house and flopped on the couch .

"Boy what yo ass doing coming back this fucking late see I done told you bout that shit you think just because we live up in this white neighborhood I won't embarrass yo ass , see you don been around them fucking crackers too much start acting like em cause you ain neva came into my house gotdamn muthafucking house this damn late when we was round them black folk" kentrells mom complains .

"Boy I know you fucking hear me talki-" his mom says before kentrell shoots up from off the couch .

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I HAD A BAD FUCKING DAY AND YOU NAGGING ABOUT IT ISNT HELPING AT ALL " kentrell screams in her face , she must have been scared because she tried to hold her hands to block me when I got closer .

"I'm not gonna hit you" kentrell says before storming off into his room and slamming the door .

$$ YOU GET ME 💕🤷🏽‍♀️ $$

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niggers unite 😁

Saturday, September 21 6:03 am 2019

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