Chapter Ten: The Wounds I Hid

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Izuku's P.O.V

I feel a heavy weight tackle me to the ground. My Katana is across the room and I feel mass fatigue fill me as I'm reminded of how ill I am. I whimper slightly as I hear my collar tell me to hold still. My previous pitiful squirming ceased as the command followed by burning pain came to me.

"Get off of him you asshole!" I hear Kacchan scream.

The pressure and pain increase and I feel Dragon's breath heating up near my face.

I whine as he painfully lifts me slightly and harshly slams me into the ground, aggravating my previous injuries.


The command came suddenly and I layed limp after, giving in to the pain and fatigue.

"Come closer. I dare you." I hear Dragon say above me in a coy tone.

"You bastard!" Kacchan growled "That's your son!"

"What? This quirkless weak mistake?" Dragon laughs lifting me into his lap and wrapping a threatening hand around my throat. "Hah! I don't think so!"

Bakugo's P.O.V

I watch in horror as the buff man tackles the frail greenet to the ground. He struggles under the man but suddenly weakens as his body reminds him of how ill he is. He whimpers and ceases struggling before suddenly screaming in agony.

"Get off him asshole!" I scream as I come to my senses.

The bastards response was lifting Izu up and slamming him harshly to the ground. Afterwards, he layed limp.

The asshole proceeds to dare me to come closer in a condescending tone.

I'm stuck, so I yell, "You bastard! That's your son!"

His response makes me see red.

Unfortunately, I'm in no place to intervene. He has Izu in a dangerous position.

My luck returns as a familiar white scarf wraps around the villain.

My teacher successfully pulls the man off of Izuku as more heros flood into the house.

All Might takes the villain from Aizawa Sensei and said teacher rushes over to the greenet.

All Might knocks the man out and brings him out of the house. Present Mic then proceeds to lead me out with a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Shouta's P.O.V

I lay low in the bushes as I listen to the conversation over the mic. Not long after I hear Bakugo scream at what I assume to be Midoryia's father.

I move in swiftly and silently into the house. Once I enter the room I hide in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Said moment comes when the man wraps his hand around my student's throat. I waste no time in restraining him and handing him off to All Might.

I rush over to my student who collapsed onto the ground once I removed his father from atop him.

"Midoryia! Can you hear me?" I ask, concern lacing my voice

"Sen-se-i?" He gasps before fainting.

Luckily, that's when the paramedics rush in and take him.

***Time Skip***

I wait anxiously in the waiting room of the hospital as I lean on my husband.

Said blond tries to soothe my nerves by rubbing soft circles on my back.

This whole situation is so similar it's deafening and nearly sends me into a panic attack.

Old scars that I thought I had long forgotten started to ache.

"Hey, Shouta, maybe we should go somewhere else for a bit to get your mind off of things." Hizashi says rubbing a comforting hand over where he knew an old scar rested.

"But, I want to stay here." I argued weakly

"Nothing good will come of you going into a panic attack right now. The doctor said it would be a couple hours before she could even talk to us. Let's go home and get some rest or go out and get something to eat." He replied

I weakly complied as he dragged me to our car. He gently layed me in the passenger seat as he drove us home.

When we walked in, we were greeted by a large Savannah cat and a confused violet haired teen.

"Where have you guys been?" Shinsou questioned

"It's a long story. We'll tell you later." Hizashi replied

"Okay." The teen responded then proceeded to head to his room.

Our Savannah cat, Moon, sniffed at Snow before rubbing against him.

At least I don't have to deal with those two fighting. Hizashi leads me to our room and lays beside me in bed. I feel his arms wrap around me not long after and pull me in closer.

Bakugo's P.O.V

After I was treated for shock at the hospital, I was required to go home, no matter how desperately I fought to stay.

The old hag had been worried about me and wrapped me in her death grip when I came through the door.

"How are you?" She asked with genuine concern gracing her tone and features.

"I'm fine, mom. Just worried about Izuku." I say in a surprisingly soft tone before bursting into tears.

"It's okay." She soothes

"Why didn't he tell me!? Or anyone for that matter." I sobbed as the reality of the situation hit.

"I don't know."

"His mom's been dead for ELEVEN god damm years and he hasn't said anything!" I vented. "He didn't come to me, he didn't come to anyone! He just put up with it. What for? To protect the only family he has left? Doesn't he see he has family right here?!"

"I know, but he was probably scared." My mom tried to reason

"I'm mad at myself for not noticing sooner and for bullying him on top of that." I cried

"I know, but I sure he understands and it's not your responsibility to look after everyone else."

"Then why do I fell like shit?"

"Because you love him and have been too blind to notice until it slapped you in the face." My mom reasoned

I'm such an idiot.

As I cry in my mother's arms and dad comes to comfort me, I can't help but wonder what went wrong.

Third Person P.O.V

Several people feel the weight of the world crashing down as they try to cope with their pasts and insecurities. Life is a bitch and unpredictable and that became glaringly obvious to a teen, a worried teacher, and several more teachers as a young teen lays in a hospital bed.

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