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Today is the day the boys come back from London and I was waiting for them at their house with Simba and Maggie. We were outside walking while Simba was laying on my lap.

"So are you gonna tell him or what?" Maggie asked me.

"I don't know, I am really just scared that things won't be the same if I do tell him you know." I said.

"Yeah true but I don't think Zion is like that." She said.

"I don't think he likes me anyway." I said with a sad face and petting Simba.

"Who wouldn't like you?" She said smiling.

Then we heard the boys voices come from inside and the back door open.

"Hey guys!" Nick said.

"Hey bestie!" I said putting my arms out. He came over and gave me a hug.

"Hey Maggie." He said giving her hug too.

We all talked inside to see Edwin, Brandon and Austin running around the living room like kids. Me and Maggie laughed.

"Hey guys!" They said at the same time.

"Hey." We said as they walked over to us.

"Where's Zion?" I asked.

"In his room." Austin said.

I grabbed Simba from outside and took him to Zions room with me. I walked to his room and opened his door.

"Z?" I said.

"My babyyyy!" He said dragging out the 'y'. He walked over to me and grabbed Simba and kissed him all over his face and talked to him.

"Wow fine then, I thought you missed him I guess not." I said pouting and walked out.

Before I even made it to the stairs Zion grabbed my hand and took me to his room.

"Stop playing you know I missed you mamas." He said leaning in for a kiss too Simba and Nick ran into the room.

"Hey everyone is coming over!" Nick said.

I whined. "Whyyyy?"

"Because they missed us and so did we." He said walking out the room.

Like don't get me wrong I love the whole 360 family but I just wanted alone time with Zion. We almost kissed til Nick came in.

"Z?" I said grabbing his hand.

"What's up?" He said sitting next to me.

"Can we just go to my house and watch movies and cuddle please?" I said pouting.

"That sounds really nice but I wanna see the rest of my friends." He said.

"Yeah okay but you act like you don't see them every day." I said kind of getting upset.

"And you act like we can't watch movies and cuddle another day." He said back.

"Whatever just forget I asked." I said grabbing my keys and walking downstairs to leave.

"Wait where are you going?" Maggie asked before I got outside.

"Home." I said.

"I will walk you out." She said getting up.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing it's just that I wanted to cuddle and watch movies with Zion like just let it be a chill day but wants to party but it's okay. I am just gonna home and watch movies by myself." I said unlocking my car.

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