Making Bad Writing Good Writing / Becoming Popular

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Making Bad Writing Good Writing / Becoming Popular


            How 2 right gud.

            One: Use proper grammar. I feel like kind of a hypocrite with this one seeing as I'm a lazy edited and therefore put *not edited at the end of every chapter. That being said, grammar (good or moderately good) is important. Sloppy grammar makes your writing seem immature and makes it look as though you haven't put enough thought into what you're writing, even if that's not the case.

            Now, I'm not saying your grammar has to be perfect. This is Wattpad and writing is something mostly all wattpadders do as a hobby. You might have school, friends, family, work hovering over your head as you write. So no in depth editing. Fine. But you need to either upload a little less frequently so you can carve out the editing time or improve your writing skill in some other way.

            The read is oh so much easier when you can actually understand what you're reading!

            Two: Be Consistent. This one is so important that I probably should have put it first. Let's be honest, consistency is hard. Especially if you're caught the most common virus circling around the planet at this time, procrastination. I have it. I live with it. I'm a survivor.

            Consistency is a pretty general topic when related to writing. There's lots of things to be consistent with. What I mean is consistency in your work and with how frequently you work on that work. Characters, plots, voice, tone, point of view all have to be consistent. And if a following on Wattpad is what you're after, you have to be somewhat consistent with your uploading. I'm bad at this now but I have excuses! Back in the day before University and work, my uploading game was strong.

            As for consistency of characters, I'm not going to dive too far into this as I want to make a separate FAQ on the topic. This is the trick to good writing. Consistently be consistent.

            Three: Persistence and Practice. Be consistent but also be persistent. Keep working even when you're stuck, keep writing even when your hands are tired, keep thinking even when you have no ideas left.

            I can give you all the tips in the world but nothing is going to make you a good writer better than actually writing. No one writes perfectly the first, second, third time around. It took me many years to write something that was halfway to decent.

            The more you practice, the better you get. Simple. Writing is just like any other hobby or sport. You need to put in the hours to get the reward. Another reason I love Wattpad is because in some ways, it's documented my life. Looking back at my writing from five years ago only serves to show me how far I've come. For those of you who have read MAOPM all the way to MMME you can probably spot the difference. A difference, may I remind you, that only came from practice.

            Besides improving your actual writing, putting in the time teaches you other things. Like what readers do and don't like, what makes them react and what leaves them silent. Unless you're writing a diary, you're writing for a reader. Remember that.

            Four: Passion. If you have no passion for what you're writing than no one will want to read. It's so obvious, too, when a writer doesn't care. It doesn't matter how vivid their descriptions are, without the passion to write, every word is bland. I can't stress it enough. Love what you do!

            Popularity = Patience. I know from experience that this one is the toughest for new writers. No one wants to wait, no one wants to write and see no results, no one wants to feel like no one is listening. That's how everyone one feels at the start.

            A lot of Wattpadders look at their read counts with the wrong attitude. They see 100 and think, "Why isn't it 1000?" Um, hello, that's 100 people who have read your work. 100 people who looked into a piece of your imagination. 100 people who you united through words. That's a big freaking deal. Not everyone gets the chance to touch 1 person never mind 100.

            That being said, who doesn't want thousands of readers?

            I started off at zero, just like everyone else. I posted each chapter, got a few comments, a few votes. I remember running around my house like a complete idiot when I got 100 fans. And without my noticing, that number steadily rose.

            It was weird. I'd sign on and I would suddenly notice the changes on my profile. They weren't quick at first, it was a slow climb. Throughout it all, I just kept posting. I didn't change what I was writing or how often I uploaded, I just kept going. And then a whole bunch of people decided they liked my work at once and the rest is history from there.

        What you don't want to do, is burn bridges on your way up. Promoting your work in places you shouldn't (on the chapters of other people's stories - okay just don't do this. Never do this. It's disrespectful and so inappropriate. The comment section is for discussion and criticism for that piece of work, not yours!) on people's message boards, in their PMS, etc. 

        Look, there's a difference between solicited and unsolicited. If someone has a place for you to post a link to your story, do it! If they want to read, well, give em something to read! But don't be obnoxious about it. I get people all the time who just send me a link and to be honest, I don't have time to read your story or reply to your very vague you centered message! 

        Goddess, I'm ranting. Let me just state it one more time. I never did any of that stuff. I never asked other wattpadders to read my work, never posted a link to my story on a random message board and I ended up okay, okay? Please, just don't do it. That being said, it's different to give the link to your work to a wattpadder you've actually formed a relationship with and is interested in reading! That's good stuff! 

            I guess what I'm trying to say is that water doesn't boil any faster if you stare at it. Slow down, enjoy what you're writing, enjoy each chapter you post, enjoy each comment you get. Because if you're only hungry for more, what you have will always feel like less. 

* * * 

I probably have way to more to say on the subject but I just can't think of any. Let me know if you think I missed anything, also post a comment if you have a question of your own! 

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