How To Make a Werewolf

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How To Make a Werewolf


            Definition: werewolf (n): the coolest, most badass, mythological creature there is. Werewolves have the kickass ability to shift between human and animal forms which is freaking awesome.

            Werewolf mythology. For those of you know read or write werewolf themed stories, you all know how much this varies. I've seen just about every variation of werewolves from On the Full Moon Hairy Half Man Shifters to Twilight-esque Barely a Wolf Hot Boys.

            I like to think my wolves land somewhere in the middle.

            Way back when I was just starting this account and writing MAOPM, I figured it was important to straighten out what kind of werewolf writer I wanted to be. This wasn't so much a stressful choice as it was a fluid collection of ideas.

            Prior to writing my first story on this account, I had tore through just about every werewolf story on the 'hot list' (back then the lists were hot hot hot!). As a result of this crazy storm of werewolf reading, I picked up quite a few traits and characteristics that the most popular writers within the genre were using. (Luna, Alpha, Rejection, some shifts etc.)

            With that being said, the more I started to write about wolves the more curious I became about the animal. For quite some time I dedicated myself to studying the actual animal. I watched documentaries, read textbooks in my free time, combed through countless online articles all to learn more about what I was writing.

            From all of this studying I more or less constructed the way I wanted my pack hierarchy to run. I strayed away from the typical Alpha Title Runs in Bloodline to what real wolves experience, a random pup showing dominant traits.

            The rest of my werewolf world came straight from my brain. Black Luna, moonseed, moonstone, Wolf's Bane side effects, Moon Path, all that good stuff came from me. (Don't quote that since I'm never 100% sure)...(Screw it, you can quote me I'm pretty-not so positive- that I made all - most - of that up).

        The one thing that was really important to me going into this genre was making sure my werewolves were actual wolves. I've read so many stories where the only werewolf asepct was the fact that they had a mate, and even then it was a stretch. 

        This outlook is reflected in a few ways. Primarily, I make sure my characters shift frequently and I do my best to describe the physical cues of wolves since it's important to the species. (Fun Fact! The story with the least amount of shifting is TPM, mostly because they spent most of their time in a castle and I had a mental block about a wolf scratching up the marble floors). It's also why all of my covers (except half of TSW) has a wolf on the front. Sorry, no abs here. 

            The only thing I'm a little foggy on is the mating process. Majority of the process my characters go through is standard stuff (at least I think) but there are some aspects I added or twisted or tweaked.

            So yeah, there you have it. My werewolves are made up of three key ingredients; the awesomeness of the collective writers on Wattpad, real life wolves, and my own imagination!

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If I missed anything, leave a comment! 

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