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Seb vs. Serena

I slipped the leather jacket onto my shoulders, nerves pricking at the base of my stomach. I zipped the jacket up to my collar, careful to leave no skin exposed. I laced up my boots next, taking special care to make sure they were tight. I couldn't have them slip while I was running. Everything depended on my success.

I blew out a long breath, trying to expel some of the nerves I was feeling. Of course, this was the biggest battle I was yet to face. I had put everything on the line. I had to win. There was no alternative.

I traded my diadem for a black toque, twisting my blonde hair and slipping it underneath the hat expertly. I tucked away the loose strands and caught my reflection in the mirror. I looked serious, I looked deadly.

A slow smile spread across my face but I smothered it quickly. I needed to concentrate. Gloves were next, I flexed my fingers as I tested the durability and comfort they offered me. I was satisfied.

I headed to the door and hesitated in front of it. I pressed my forehead to the wood and closed my eyes, muttering to myself in an attempt to boost my confidence. I couldn't go into this without the proper preparation.

"Queen Serena?" a voice called from the other side. It was one of the maids. "Are you ready?"

I looked up sharply and nodded to myself before I pulled open the door. A maid and a serviceman stood side by side, blinking at my unusual appearance. The serviceman handed me a gun and gave me a look of pity. He didn't bother hiding his lack of confidence in me.

The weapon was heavy in my hands. I checked it expertly, preparing it the way I had been taught. The maid made a small sound in the back of her throat, earning herself a glare from the serviceman.

"It's okay," I told them, swallowing hard. "Hide yourselves. Don't come out until you're sure it's safe. I don't know what sort of attack to expect so make sure you're scarce. Spread the word to the other maids, the castle isn't safe anymore."

I took off down the hall, careful to keep a low profile as I crouched and scurried along the familiar corridors. I paused before the corner, pressing my back to the wall before inching my face slowly until I could see around the corner. The hallway looked empty.

I proceeded with caution, not sure where the attack was going to come from. Days ago, the castle had been prepped for the upcoming invasion. The furniture and art had been covered with tarps whilst the lights had been turned off, leaving the hallways mostly dark with the exception of the light that streamed in from the large windows.

I held the gun tight to my chest, my fingers sweating as I clutched the weapon. I had faced battles in the past, dealt with enemy packs and mystical creatures. I had spoken to the Moon Goddess herself but nothing had quite prepared me for this moment.

I came around the next corned quickly, lifting my gun and surveying the room as swiftly as I could manage. I was in the large hall, the room with the most expensive furniture and the most valuables hanging from the wall. If there was ever a setting for a fight, it was here.

I heard a rumble of laughter and stilled, heart beating faster than I thought possible. My belly started to sink lower in my gut, making staying still impossible. My feet moved on their own accord, desperate to release some of the tension in my body.

I was completely exposed in the middle of the grand space but indecision kept me prisoner. I had no idea which corridor to search next. The grand hall was at the heart of the palace, the very center.

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