Chapter 8 - New Years Eve party

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We're on our way to Alex's house, where the party is. Michele is driving us there as Austin nor i has a car yet or has a premit.  Alex lives in La Vernia, so its like a half an hour drive away from here in San Antonio. 

Michele: So what is your mum doing tonight Abigail?
Abigail: Not sure, i know Jeremy isn't here so i think she's alone. I feel kinda of bad just leaving her..
Michele: If it makes you feel better, i was going to go over to her house after i've dropped you two off
Abigail: awh thanks Michele
Michele: It's okay, right we're here. Austin, What time am i coming over tomorrow?
Austin: About 12 or something
Michele: Okay

Yeah, we're staying over at Alex's, which i didn't know until Austin told me in the car coming here, thankful Sarah texted me saying she'd bring some clothes for me to change into instead of Michele driving back and us being late. This is the first time i've actually been to a New Years Eve party, it's just always been me and dad for the past 7 years and me,dad and mum before that. 

We went and knocked on the door and Alex opened it to greet us with Sarah by his side.

Austin: Hey man 

Him and Alex did a bro-hug and walked inside with me and Sarah behind them having our own conversation

Abigail: Hey Sarah, thanks for letting me borrow some of your clothes for tomorrow morning
Sarah: It's okay, don't mention it

We walked into Alex's living room and there was a few people that i didn't know. But Sarah was kind enough to introduce me to them

*10 minutes before midnight*

It was only like 10 minutes before midnight and we're all watching Times Square on the telly in Alex's living room. Me and Austin are intertwined in each other hands, waiting for the count down till the clock strikes twelve.

Austin: Abi, can i tell you something?
Abigail: Yeah sure, anything hun
Austin: follow me then

He leads me out into Alex's street and we run down till the end of the road. He tells me to close me eyes before we turn the corner. To make sure i couldn't see anything, he covers my eyes with his hands.

Abigail: Austin, what are we doing here? What's going on?

He takes his hands off my and tells me i could open my eyes. I slowly open my eyes to be shocked at what my eyes are seeing. Here is Dave and Robert standing beside a bunch of fireworks.

Abigail: What's all this for?
Austin: Because i wanted to start the new year with a big bang with my number one, special, beautiful girlfriend
Abigail: Austin, you shouldn't have, this is too much
Austin: Anything for my girl
Dave: Guys, there's 10 seconds till midnight
Abigail: ready to start the new year?
Austin: With you by my side then yes

Dave counts down till we hear the local churches bells going off and everyone cheering and Dave lets off the fireworks. A smile appears across my face as me and Austin kiss for the start of the new year. Austin smiles into the kiss which makes me smile even more. We pull away from each other and watch the fireworks go off together. We notice all our friends come out of Alex's house to come watch the fireworks with us. Me and Austin watched the fireworks in each others arms, and i couldn't wish for a better start of the New Year, i couldn't wish for a better life right now.

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