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2 years later
"Hey baby" Angel said as she picked up her baby boy Ranell from the bed. She started making faces at him and he laughed which made her smile.

 She started making faces at him and he laughed which made her smile

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"Momma loves you please don't ever grow up" she said kissing him. She looked at her phone and sighed. Pg was late to picking Ranell again she was getting tired of this pattern. She felt like Pg didn't even care about their son anymore and she didn't like that at all. She later on the bed with the baby and watched tv. 1 hour later there was a knock on the front door. She sighed and looked at her son who was sucking his thumb. "Is that daddy" she said as she picked him up and walked to the door. "Your late" she said coldly as she opened the door. He was wearing a white t-shirt with blue shorts and a blue hat.

 He was wearing a white t-shirt with blue shorts and a blue hat

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"I'm sorry" he said picking up Ranell and looking down at him. Things have been awkward for them since the day he saw Teyanna. After everything that happened with Diamong Pg distanced himself from everyone including her which meant she had to deal with pregnancy alone. She didn't really have anyone to talk to about it because her mom wasn't around. Then the next thing she knew was the he got back together with Teyanna. That broke her heart because all though she didn't want to admit it she really hoped that they would get back together and be a happy family but she was wrong. "Make sure your not late to drop him off at 6" she said. Pg rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't understand why he can't just spend the night" he said. "Because Peter your fucking irresponsible you arrive 1 hour and 30 minutes late to pick up your own son how can I trust you over night huh and plus you be having girls around your house all the time and I don't want my son around that period" she semi shouted so that she didn't scare the baby. "Stop cussing in front of my son" he said. "Okay then can you leave because you really getting me mad for real" she said trying to calm herself down. "Okay I'm leaving.... and I don't be having girls around I just be having Teyanna" he said knowing it would make her mad. Angel could feel tears coming into her eyes which made her angrier because she doesn't like getting upset over him. "I swear the day you bring her near my son you will never see him again" she said slowly and Pg left.
Teyanna's POV
I got dressed and I left Pg's house because his son was coming over. I think it's dumb that I'm not allowed to be around him but at the end of the day it's not my child it's hers. I've been wanting to talk to her since that day at the hospital but she wouldn't let me. Especially with what happened with Diamond she didn't want anything to do with me. So when me and Pg got back together we thought it would but best not to tell her but she found out and since then it's been war. I wanted to thank her for bringing me and Pg back together but it would probably turn into a fight. I went to cvs and bought a pregnancy test. Not for any particular reason I always take a pregnancy test very month. I got home and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and got out the pregnancy test. I took the test then took a shower. I got out and looked at it and it said negative. I sighed of relief and threw the test away.
Jordan's POV
She climbed off me and laid next to me covering her naked body with the sheets. I put my arm over her as we laid there catching our breaths. Recently it's been hard to keep our hands off eachother. Yes things have been quite difficult since I broke out the coma and Diamond.... you know. But that was a long time ago and I'm trying to focus on me and the love of my life. My future wife. She got up and I slapped her on her ass. "Stop it that hurts" she said smiling as she walked into the bathroom. I heard the shower go on then a few minutes later she came out with a towel on and her blonde her out.You come out looking like that we might have to go for round 3"I said jokingly. She laughed and came over to my I sat on the bed and sat on my lap. "I love you" she said looking at me with a smile. I moved her hair out her face. "I love you too Diamond"
To be continued...

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