I know you

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sheadiamond My baby 8 months old🥺💕
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real_jordan dada's princess 👑
2 hours ago

I took pictures of Dream and posted them on my Instagram. I fed her and sat her in her high chair as she watched cartoon on the tv. My phone rang and it was Cameron. I smiled and I answered it.

"Hey bae" I said as I cleaned the kitchen looking up at Dream once in a while.

"Hey baby what you doing" he asked.

"I'm just cleaning up" I replied.

"I miss you come to my game tonight" he said.

"I would love to but I can't I got Dream" I said.

"Ight it's cool"

"But I promise we can go somewhere tomorrow I'll ask Isareigh to take her for the night I just really wanna spend time with her today" I said.

"Bet have fun I'll call you later" he said

"Ight bye" I said and hung up the phone.

I finished cleaning the kitchen and watched cartoons with Dream. I had fallen asleep with Dream in my lap when I heard someone at the door.

I got up and went to the door and opened it. Jordan was standing with a pink bear in his hand.

Dream reacher for him when she saw him and he took her and gave her the bear.

"What are you doing here you just dropped Dream yesterday" I said.

"I missed her" he replied kissing her on the cheek.

"That not how it works I miss Dream when you with her but I don't pull up at your crib" I said sighing.

"I never said you couldn't"

"Well you've seen her you can go now" I said.

"Nah I wanna spend time with her she just turned 8 months" he said.

"I'm not comfortable with that Jordan" I said.

"Why I'm her parent too"

"I'm tired of arguing with you it's getting real boring" I said.

"Then stop just let me chill with my daughter it will be good for her to spend time with us both at the same time that hasn't happened in a long time"

"She probably don't remember when we used to anyways" I replied.

"Exactly do you really want you daughter to grow up with no memory of her parents being happy together" he said and I felt bad.

"Alright fine but you ain't staying here for long" I said and let him in.

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