Last straw

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I gave a death stare at Jordan who looked everywhere but at me when I saw who it was.

I can't believe this nigga would bring her here when he knows she likes him and has tried to fuck up our relationship multiple times

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I can't believe this nigga would bring her here when he knows she likes him and has tried to fuck up our relationship multiple times.

She walked towards and tried to hug me but I dodged her and grabbed Dream. "Oh my gosh is this her she's so adorable" she said trying to touch her but I walked away and over to Jordan. "Can I talk to you" I said. "Yeah but leave Dream here" he said. I gave Dream to Reigh and told her to stay away from Jasmine. We went upstairs and I stood in the hallway with arms crossed. The hallway was full of boxes because we was getting ready to move although we still haven't got a house. "What the fuck Jordan" I said trying to stay calm. "I tried to tell you but I got interrupted" he said. "Why is she here" I said. "I saw her to other day at the hookah lounge and she apologised and I explained and we cook now" he said. "Are you fucking crazy"I said getting louder "so you mean to tell me you linked up with that bitch and she apologised so you decided to bring her around my child" I said. "Don't say it like that I didn't know she was going to be there I ran into her" he said sighing. "You know what we finna talk about this later it's my baby's day and I'm not going to let some bitch ruin it for her" I said and walked back downstairs.

For the rest of the evening I stayed away from her even though this was my own house. We ate and played a couple games. Everyone took turns taking pictures with Dream except Jasmine of course.

I could feel Jasmine staring at me and I was getting more and more irritated everytime I caught her staring. She finally approached me. "Can I talk to you outside for a second" she said. I rolled my eyes and went out the room. She stood in front of me and took out her phone. She went through a couple things on her phone whilst I stood in confusion. "I don't know what Jordan has told you but I just thought you should be aware of this" she said and gave me the phone. There was a video and I pressed play.

My heart sunk when I watched the video. It was a video of Jordan and Jasmine in the bathroom at what looked like the Hookah lounge and she was giving him head. After a few seconds I gave her the phone back and stood still. A thousand thoughts ran threw my head and I knew the crazy in me was going to come out. I went back in the room without saying anything. I went to Isareigh and told her to take Dream to her house and I'd text her later. She looked confused but I knew she could tell that by the look on my face it was better to not say anything. I sat patiently and was it's for Reigh to get Dreams things together. As soon as I heard the front door closed I stood up and walked toward Jordan.

Without thinking I slapped him across the face and started yelling. Everyone looked at me confused and so did Jordan. "Are you fucking serious" I yelled and I felt my eyes fill up with tears. "What the fuck" he said blocking my second hit. "Diamond?" Angel said getting up and trying to grab me. "You cheating now huh is that we doing were fucking bitches in bathrooms and bringing them into the place where I lay my head at" I yelled. The whole room went quiet. "Ight I think it's time y'all left" Teyanna said getting up and ushering people out being a good friend. "I don't know what your talking about" Jordan said looking confused. I turned around and looked up and the ceiling pacing trying to calm myself down. "Jordan I swear to God I'm fuck you up if you keep lying to my face" I said. "Diamond chill" he said getting up trying to grab my hand but I moved it and punched him in the chest.

"Diamond don't" Angel said grabbing my arm. It was just me Angel, Miya, Teyanna and Jordan in the room now. I was so mad I didn't know what to do. "Just leave please" I said calmly. "Diamond" he said. "No leave me alone" I said not looking at him. He came closer to me and I could feel him staring at me. "Can you just tell me what I did wrong and what the duck your taking about" he said. "There's a video on her fucking phone of y'all doing nasty shit in the bathroom at the hookah lounge" I yelled. I saw Teyanna, Miya and Angel exchange looks at each other. "Diamond I didn't do nothing with her I would let her touch me" he said. "I saw your fucking face in the video and your dick too" I yelled "you real bold for that shit you was the one recording" I yelled as the tears came down. Then i started sobbing loudly and Teyanna came and held me. "Jordan just fucking leave" she said and he did.


I woke up the next morning with puffy eyes. I spent half the night crying. Teyanna and Angel we're asleep next to me. Miya left last night because she had to see Cey in the morning. I didn't feel like getting up but there was shit I had to do. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and started crying again. I wiped my tears and got myself ready for the day. I showered and got dressed. I didn't even bother do my makeup. I went back into the room where Tey And Angel we're still sleeping. I grabbed a bag and started packing my things. Then I started packing Dreams things. I took two of the bags and walked downstairs to leave them by the door. I was on my way back to the room when Niyah came out. "Diamond I'm sorry" she said looking at me. "It's alright it's not your fault" I said sighing. "He foul from that I swear I'm mad at him" she said. "You don't got to be this between me and him I would never have a problem with you" I said hugging her. "You leaving aren't you" she asked. "Yeah I can't be here no more" I replied. "Imma miss you what the fuck am I gonna do with Jordan" she said. "I'm miss you too" I said ignoring the second half of her question.

I went back into the room and grabbed two more bags and brought them downstairs. I was about to go back up to get the rest of my stuff when the front door opened. I turned around and I saw Jordan standing with flowers. I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk back up the stairs but he ran and grabbed me. "Please Diamond don't go" he said. "No fuck you" I said not looking at him because I didn't want to cry. "Diamond we need to talk about this" he said. "There ain't shit to talk about let go of me" I said. He looked at the bags and looked back at me. "You not taking my kid" he said. "Your fucking out your mind if you think imma leave my baby here" I said. "If you want to leave go ahead but my daughter staying here" he said. I ignored him and started walking up the stairs again.

I slammed the door of the bedroom causing both of them to wake up. "What the fuck Diamond" Tey said rubbing her eyes. "I can't believe him" I mumbled as I grabbed shit from around the room. "What you doing" Angel said. "I'm leaving" I said. She hopped out of the bed and walked towards me. "Are you sure" she asked and I nodded. "Where you gonna stay" she asked. "I don't know" I said sobbing as I sat on the edge of the bed. "It's alright you can stay with me" she said hugging me. "Thank y'all you guys do so much for me" I said and we had a group hug.

I knew a lot of shit was going to change but I had no idea how much. I went downstairs with the rest of my bags and Tey and Angel has some of my stuff too. It was easy to pack my shit because half my shit was already packed for the move. Jordan was sitting on the floor by the door smoking a blunt. "We'll wait in the car" the said grabbing some of my bags and going outside. "Diamond can you stop being childish and talk to me" he said. I ignored him and picked up my bags. "Diamond can't you see I'm trying I love you don't leave me" he said but I still didn't give him my attention. "Ight if you leave I'm not going to chase you we finna be done for real" he said. I laughed but it hurt. I looked at him for second then opened the door and walked out.

Do y'all think they really done?
To be continued...

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