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2 months later
"You'll be fine there all cool and you know Teyanna already" I said as I cooked.

"I know but you bringing them all at the same time"Cameron said hugging me from behind.

"Because I keep telling them about you and they ain't met you yet" I replied.

"So when am I going to meet Jordan so that I can meet Dream" he said.

"Hey chill out okay we got time you'll meet them soon" I said turning around and kissing his cheek.

Me and Cameron have been going good for the last 2 months but we still taking things slow. I haven't opened up to him about anything but he says he understands and he'll wait for me. I actually feel happy with Cameron. It's definitely feels weird and new for me to be with him because he's so different to Jordan but I do like him a lot.

Today my friends are coming to his house to meet him. I haven't told Jordan because honestly I'm scared. We ended things on weird terms so telling him i've moved on is gonna be weird as fuck. And I don't know if me and Cameron have a real future I don't want to introduce him to Jordan and Dream if he end up being temporary.

The doorbell rang and I ran to go get it.

"Heyyy babies" I said hugging all of them individually.

"Bitch this place is big as fuck" Teyanna said walking in and I laughed.

"So can we all stay over because girl" Angel said coming in behind Teyanna.

"Y'all are too much just go in the living room please" I said and hugged Isareigh last.

Miya couldn't make it because today was finally the day of Cey's trial. I wouldn't gone with her but Jordan was going to be there and I didn't want to be insensitive. I just hope everything goes well because we've all been waiting for this day for months.

"How's work" I asked Isareigh.

"It's Ight but my manager stressing me out about finding a story for a gossip magazine and you know I ain't good at the drama shit" she said.

"You'll be alright just stay on the shaderoom" I said and she laughed.


The day actually went well and they got along with Cameron. We played a couple games and watched a movie. We planned to go out on the weekend with Cameron's friends as well so I was looking forward to that. Now we was all chilling and cleaning up.

My phone rang and it was Jordan.

"Hello" I said walking into a more quiet room.

"Imma need you to take Dream real quick" he said.

"What why" I replied.

"Because I got to do something"

"Jordan we spoke about this already when it's your time with Dream it's your time stop dumbing her on me all the fucking time"

"Diamond shut up I'm on the way to your apartment"

"Wait can't you leave her and Pg's mothers house"

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