Get her

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Diamond's POV
I quickly ran up the stairs and into Niyah's room. She was standing frozen facing me with a gun in her hand. I looked on the ground and saw a man laying dead. I carefully took the gun off her and put it down on her bed. "It's okay" I said hugging her as she cried.

Jordan's POV
I pulled up to the house and saw many police cars parked outside. I got out and rushed inside. "Police really" i mumbled to Diamond as the police left. "I had to protect your sister. Neighbours heard they were going to find out and if I didn't report it it would look suspicious" She said. "Ight I'm sorry were just lucky they didn't find anything" I said then I hugged her and kissed her. "Where's Niyah" I asked. "In our room with Isareigh" she replied "listen Jordan I think she's gonna need therapy after this cause I know what it was like when I caught my first body and it wasn't easy"she said. "Alright I know imma talk to her" I said. "You alright though" I added. "Yeah I'm fine" she said but she seemed disturbed. "Are you sure I think we should go to the doctor and check on the baby" I said. "It's okay we got a check up coming up soon anyways just go see your sister I'll let these police out" she said so I left her and went upstairs.

Diamond's POV
"Are you okay" I heard Isareigh say behind me as I locked the door. "Yeah I think so" I said then I sighed. "Who the fuck was that" I said as we linked arms and walked towards the living room. "He was a robber right" she said. "That's what it seems like but it doesn't make sense I mean why are house of all houses" I started "All the lights were on and plus nothing was taken" I added. "Well he must've not had the chance to" she replied. "I don't I just have a bad feeling" I said. "Well he wasn't the smartest of burglars because he came through the front door" she said. "Right but he permanently deactivated the alarm" I replied. "Wait what"she said. "Yeah the police told me" I said. She froze as if she had just thought of someone. "Diamond I don't want to scare you but what if he came for a reason and someone else is gonna come to finish the job" she said. "Shit I need to talk to Niyah". I went upstairs and walked into our room where Jordan and Niyah were. "Sorry Niyah baby but I have to ask you exactly what happened" I said. "Diamond!" Jordan said looking at me. "No it's okay" Niyah started. "I was in my room when u heard the alarm go off and then stop I thought it was Jordan but then I heard a bunch of ruffling and noise coming from downstairs so I went to the staircase and saw him. He wasn't looking for anything he was just making a mess and when he saw me he threw something at me and I screamed and ran upstairs and grabbed Jordan's gun" she said.

Niyah's POV
I took a deep breathe as I retold what happened. "I hid in my room and I heard him he went straight to your room and after a few seconds he came into mine and I shot him" I said. Jordan rubbed my back and Diamond stood in front of me looking confused. "This doesn't make sense" she said. "Let it go Diamond we can talk about it in the morning" Jordan said sounding annoyed. I knew he was trying to protect me but it was too late for that. "She's right Jordan we're not safe here" I said after a long pause. "What do you mean" Jordan said. "The police took it in as evidence but they didn't tell you" I said looking at the floor. "Took what" Diamond said. "A picture of you..... he dropped it when I shot him. He was looking for you".

Landea's POV
"Shit shit shit" Jasmine said pacing back and forth."What happened" I said. "Plan failed the guy got shot" I said. "By who Diamond?" I asked feeling relieved. "No Jordans stupid sister I didn't think she would be an obstacle too" she said. We was at her house chilling when she got the call. "Well I guess I'll have to send my backup one" she said getting out her phone. "You have another one" I said shocked. "Of course" she said placing the phone to her ear "Your up but I need you to take care of the sister too" she said. "What" I said standing up. "Shhhh" she said looking at me "They probably won't be at home go look for them I want it done by the end of the week" she said and hanged up the phone. "Are you fucking crazy" I yelled. "Jordan will forgive me once we're together and plus I can give him support and comfort him" she said smiling. I stared at her for a second then I realised she wasn't stable.

Kc's POV
"I'm working for them again but I think there onto me" I said meeting up with them again. "Good there's no need to worry your job is nearly done" he said. "What do you mean" I replied. "Now you have to get the girl and whoever she's with I want them all" he said. "What how the fuck will I do that" I said shaking. "You'll find a way or you and your family will be dead" he said smoking a blunt "You'll take them and you'll bring them to my guy over there I'll send you the address. He'll finish the job and then you'll be free. But of course if you don't then there will be other consequences" he said. I turned around and saw the guy he was talking about. "Who are you" I asked him. "Well to my mother I'm Tristan but to you I'm Tris" he said coming closer to me trying to intimidate me and it was working. "You may leave now" he said.
To be continued...

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