Deja vu

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I knocked on the door and shortly after a female opened the door which I guessed was Karley. "Hey I'm a new neighbour do you have company or can we talk" I said with a smile on my face. "Nah you good" she said. I turned around and looked at the car and then back at her. Teyanna, Angel and Miya came out the car. I'm guessing she figured out what was going on because she tried to shut the door but I put my foot in it. We went inside and she backed up. "Get the fuck out my house" she yelled. Teyanna closed the door and locked it. Karley tried to run to the kitchen the get a knife but I grabbed her. "You can do the most and get fucked up or we can just figure this out the easy way" I said holding a tight grip on her arm. Although I was shorter then her she wasn't stronger then me. After struggling to get out of my grip she sighed and stopped trying.

Teyanna tied her arms behind her back and we sat down. "You know why we're here don't you" I said standing in front of her. "Look I'm sorry Miya which ever one you are" she started "I just I was forced to snitch on him I wasn't there and I didn't see anything" she said. "You fucking lying" I said getting mad. I crouched down so I was in her face. "Do you really think we travelled all this way to come be face to face with you if we didn't know the truth" I said. "What are you some kind of gangster" she said laughing "I'm sorry Wonder Woman but I don't know what your talking about" she said rolling her eyes.

I pulled out my gun and pointed it right at head. "Diamond" Teyanna said. "She ain't gon do nothing" Karley said laughing. "Stop fucking talking she will put a hole in you with no hesitation" Miya said with a serious. I'm guessing Karley realised I was serious because she stopped smiling. "Okay fine i did it because I was jealous of y'all's relationship" she said hanging her head. "I wish you could just shoot her right now" Miya said then slapped her across the face. "Do you understand the pain you put me through" she yelled in her face with tears coming from her eyes. She kept yelled at her and then she grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her violently. I grabbed her and moved her. I hugged her as she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Ight what your gonna do is your going to tell the detective you lied and leave before the trial and never show your face again" Teyanna said whilst me and Angel tried to calm Miya down. "Leave where Florida?" Karley said. "No bitch America" Teyanna said. "You must be joking" She replied laughing. "Does this look like a joke we are in your fucking house. Wherever you go we will find you. Once the niggas found out bout you they gon come after you and they will finish you" Teyanna said and I could see the fear in Karley's face. "Remember that before you try snitch on us too" Teyanna added. We left her tied and up and walked towards the door. "I knew they would do this" she said as we was about to leave. "What" I said turning around. "The people that gave me the information. What you thought I new the details of the murder off the top of my head nahh there's loads of them they are after y'all and they are determined" she said. "The fuck are you talking about who's them" Miya said. "I don't know who they are but they smart and they are the same people who told y'all it was me. They probably thought you'd kill me and Cey would look hella guilty and get life and possibly a death penalty then you'd all go down one by one" she said. Miya was about to run up to her and fuck her up but I grabbed her and we left.


I saw Jasmine and Landea walk towards us. Of all people it had to be them.

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