The sun was reflecting off the gold flowers and the dew on the grass, making the entire meadow look like it was glowing. The breeze was warm and made my clothes stick to me with sweat. It had been a couple of days since we had decided to go to the forest and we had finally found a day that was completely free.
As we made our way to the end of the meadow we put our masks back on. No one knows why but for some reason the meadow is the only place not affectd by the pollution, other than the main city, from what I know. It's probably the flowers that stop it, that's what I think.
The forest was cold considering the blistering heat. The floor was lumpey and roots were strung out so I consistently tripped over because every time I looked down a cloud of dust flew in my face. As we made our way deeper into the blanket of trees less and less light made its way to our eyes untill suddenly we were blinded with light.
We had just reached the end of the forest and all we could see was a vast field. Faith and Will were already siting down waiting for me.
This now seems like a good time to describe them to you, We all had black hair that made us look like white ghosts Will was tall probley the tallest person I know. Faith was shorter than both of us and like all of us had bright yellow eyes.
We sat there all day, making jokes and laughing until we noticed the sun sliding down the sky. We stood up and made our way into the forest. We thought it was dark before but now all we could see was the out line of the trees.
'CRACK' a loud noise came from behind us we turned around breathing heavy "NO ONE comes here not even in the day!!"whispered Faith. We stared, not wanting to break the silence and miss something. Just when we think it's safe a shape crawles out of the dark moaning and screaching unheard words. The shape alone was nightmare inducing, it was unrecognisable as an animal. It wasn't giant but it was the size of a tall adult. It had twisted arms and legs sticking out at odd angles as if humans had been glued together. The only animal it somewhat resembeled was a spider.
But even that doesn't show how terrifying it is.
In a split second we turned and ran. Weaving though the trees and hitting them but we didn't stop. It could be behind us. Chasing us. Hunting us. So we ran. Fear wanted me, it drove me to run and that's all I could do. Just run and hope my friends were ok.
Science Fictionthe characters face a unlarming amount of unlucky situations be continued. Credits to @bookworm_emilia .........................................Waning this may include sensitive subjects? Idk I just thought I should put this here.