Preston's P.O.V.
===================================================="Morning Sky" She looks so cute with her little bed head! "*Yawn* Morning" Aww! "I don't have anything planned for today, so you can do whatever you want" She seems disappointed, wonder why. "Actually," She perks up. "I've planned something for us" Woah, no way! I wonder what she's planning. This is your chance Preston, be a man! I walk over to her and pull her in for a warm hug. She returns the hug, happily smiling. "Thank you, Sky" She has literally the cutest smile ever!
"So, what do you plan on doing today?" She quickly turns around and blushes. "Oh! You scared me!" I wonder what she was doing... "What were you doing?" Man, even her thinking face is priceless. "If I tell you, it would ruin the surprise!" Alright Preston, just go with it. "Well anyways, have you eaten breakfast yet?" She rolls her eyes. "Yes, mom" We both laugh histarically. "Now that I can tell your bored, let's do what I've planned for today" She moves aside. VIDEO GAMES. "How did you know I loved video games?" She kisses me on the cheek. "I had a feeling" I smile. She really does get me.
We both sit down on my bean bag chairs, deciding on what game to play first. "Let's play Kirby's Epic Yarn" Huh, I've never heard of that game, let's try it. "I don't know what game that is, but let's try it" Her eyes grow big like watermelons. "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT KIRBY'S EPIC YARN IS?!?!" I have a slight suspicion that she really likes Kirby's Epic Yarn. "Nope" She smiles like there's no tomorrow. "Well then, I have to show you!" She picks the game, and pulls out the disc. "Look" She hands me the disc with an excited look. "Ok" Once I see the disc, I instantly knew why she liked the game. And now, I think I like it even more. "This looks like the cutest thing ever" I hand her back the disc, which she immediately puts in the console. "That's because it is" I think I'm in love. No dip Sherlock!