I'm not gay! or?

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Okay so one note, this story contains a lot about self harm, depression, eating disorders, suicide and more sensitive things, I don't want in any way make this things seem ''easy'' or ''cute'' Me myself has depression and I take medicine for it and just bc you meet someone and falls in love doesn't cure you, I don't want this story to seem like that, I want it realistic, so, depression, eating disorders, suicide and all that will be from my exprience but its different for everyone

Harry and I sat at the lake and talked, we talked about everything and we actually had more in common than I would guess and I was actually happy to finally have someone to trust, it wasn't even worth trying to lie, he basically saw me trying to kill myself and for some reason, I get really nervous around him, like Im afraid to say something weird or wrong, I really didnt know why, I have never been like this to someone, or well, my dad, but that is a different story.

But since year one, I've always had this weird feeling, I wanted to be near him, I always looked at him and whenever I saw him looking at me, I blushed and Malfoys don't blush, perhaps that the thing, Im not a real Malfoy, well, I'am, technically but, I don't really fit and and had never done, I have blonde hair and pale skin, thats all, a pale skin full of scars and bruises-


I looked up at Harry

-why are you crying?

Am I crying? I wiped my hand across my cheek, I didnt even know, I just looked at him and didnt know what to say, we just looked at each other, those green emerald eyes and a thought hit me

I like him

But I can't

I have enough things with my life, I can't be gay

no I'am straight

but I have never liked a girl.....

my dad will have another reason to hit me...


School is a pain in the ass right now and it takes all my energy, Im already behind in school and Im tired all the time and I try to find time with friends and time to update here and on a page I have with my friends and time for school and time for me and time for my animals and time for what I think is funny and my life is just trash rn

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