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"Me and Seungyeon met back in high school." The four had ordered their warm drinks and were listening to Seungwoo intensely.

"You don't have to get that close." The older chuckled at Yoohan who was getting  closer to his face every passing second.

He sheepishly moved back and grabbed his drink.

"Anyways, I also met you guys in High School. But it was different." He sighed leaning into his chair.

"You guys were like my friends, but Seungyeon was very different. He was the type that was very touchy with me and liked to give me nicknames." He laughed bitterly.

"I had thought that maybe, just maybe he had feelings for me. But no, next thing you know he was talking about another person he wanted to date." Seungwoo paused to drink a little.

"Wait, did he know you were bi?" Hangyul asked.

Seungwoo smiled a little. "You don't know the other half of it." He whispered.

"I'm very open about my sexuality because I'm not shamed, so yes he knew." The older gave a hurt smile. "But so was Seungyeon."

The three simultaneously leaned back with wide eyes and open mouths.

"You guys never asked, but no he isn't straight." Wooseok clicked his tongue while snapping his fingers.

"I knew it." He said whole shaking his head.

"Speaking of you, we even had this one conversation about how he liked you. And how he used to like Hangyul." The two turned red at that statement.

Yoohan and Seungwoo gave them a questioning look.

"It's just weird knowing Seungyeon liked liked us." Hangyul said with a shudder.

"He also asked me who I liked." They were once again back to listening to Seungwoo intensely. "I didn't tell him obviously. But I was very close to telling him."

"What do you mean?" Yoohan asked. "Where going to tell him then?"

Seungwoo nodded. "But then he said this 'I would never fall in love with you, you're my best friend' and that just shut me up."

They could all see the pure look of hurt on their friend's face. They immediately felt guilt rushing through them for not noticing earlier.

"I can see the guilt on your faces. It's not your fault. And I'm okay." The older said.

"We're still sorry for not noticing." Wooseok said while putting a hand on top of his.

"I'll get over it."

"It's been almost 5 years, Seungwoo. I don't think you like him." Hangyul stated.

"I didn't say I liked him. I've acknowledged the fact that I'm ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ with him."

What the four friends didn't notice was that the said male was only sitting a table away and listened to everything that was just said.

The said male also had hot streams of tears running down his face silently.

Eternal triangle » RyeonseungWhere stories live. Discover now