Term1nat0RX Volt 96

841 85 77

Avneet's POV
I washed myself and got dressed into clothes provided by him. They were his and very big, I'm afraid I won't be able to fit in them. Either way I got dressed into them and headed downstairs. I see the dinning table prepped and filled with many delicious meals. I make my way there and get seated. I see him sitting down on his side of the table. I was ready to start digging into the food when he spoke up saying "We'll go shopping tomorrow, you won't be going back to your place, and you need clothes, so we're going shopping tomorrow"

"No no, no need to spend your money on new clothes, I have many clothes at home, I'll just go there and get it, why do you trouble yourself?" He was up and in front of me holding my chin up to him. "Listen here sweet cheeks, I have no problem with you endangering yourself and being the target of the M€Rins, but since I've taken your responsibility I would be damned if I let even a scratch come on you! We're going to the mall because it's much safer there, now eat up, get some rest because tomorrow is going to be a long day" does he have a Split Personality Disorder? What the hell happened in a span of two minutes? He quietly went back to his seat before resumed eating.

I also got to eating, I shouldn't offend him in any way what so ever! It'll be trouble for me only. After we finished eating, I try to exit from the dinning table, but I came to halt when he held onto my arm and turned me around to face him. "What's your name?" Blinking at him, I try to concentrate but since he was holding onto my arm real tight I couldn't, I winced and he immediately let go. "Oh I'm sorry, erm I err need your name and biodata to feed into the robots's systems" I nodded my head and we both spent about 2 minutes to get my information fixed into the robots's system. Now he and the robots in his house hold know my name and biodata, within a 2 second scan they can decipher whether I'm an intruder or an insider. We bid good bye to each other on the way to our rooms. What the heck did I get myself into? If only I hadn't met this guy...

Morning rose, the loud and obnoxious alarms stared blaring. "Rise and shine!" I woke up and they stopped immediately. Darn you, you bloody things!! I walked out the bathroom and did the necessary business. The bathroom mirror lit up indicating news, on display was the Mayor, looking panicked.

"We aren't yet sure of what the M€Rins are planning but whatever it is, it's going to be very dangerous for us

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"We aren't yet sure of what the M€Rins are planning but whatever it is, it's going to be very dangerous for us. So I suggest you keep yourself guarded, we all have access to 'TR1n1TYSAF€' stay safe, be careful and that's all for now" heaving a sigh I went back to my bed.

TR1n1TYSAF€( is a safety system installed in everyone's house, due to the potential of wars taking place. This was the previous President's idea. He wanted his people safe, therefore everyone had to have that system installed. It's a 'button away' from safety, if war was to break out and you are in danger just one press and you're enclosed tight in a spacious box that provides food and other necessaries for more than 2 years). (Trinity-safe- pronounced as such). From the corner of my eye I could see the VerMon ( a huge full body mirror in which you can see whether a dress you chose to buy suits you or not, you can order/ cancel/ get refunds and complain for missing products or late deliveries through it as well). This thing was very trendy back in 2100 but newer versions of these have been out and sold. And I see the latest in front of me.

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