hey, honey (0)

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      Z E R O

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      Z E R O

      Sundays were the days that Angelica dreaded, the weekend was so full of promise but after five nights bartending at her second job, the exhaustion almost always dragged on until the following week. Her eyes could barely stay open, lashes feeling a bit too heavy, she'd been running errands all day to prepare for the week ahead.

     This particular Sunday though, it was sunny. The sweat shone across her flushed forehead, partially covered by her hand when she'd become immersed in heat. She bit her lip, finally stepping out of the local record shop, running a hand through the wet strands sticking to the side of her neck. Her shift had ended a bit late and she was already dreading the two blocks she had to walk to get to her car.

      Sighing, Angelica shuffled forward, sun beating down and head throbbing, her feet still hurt from the heels Franny had squeezed her into for a hot date with an old coworker. Hot date in the form of an underground rave in the heart of the city. Sweaty bodies and girls that were definitely not her type wasn't the ideal solution to her dating troubles.

      Still, she stayed light footed and lighthearted, ignoring the buzzing of her phone. Halfway through the door, she heard a voice call out behind her. "Heeeey, girl."

      The voice was silky behind her, soft and sweet with a slight twang and she didn't expect it.

       At first, she kept walking, assuming that the person in question was not -in fact- talking to her. An arm latched onto hers smoothly, brown skin glimmering and Angelica she squinted behind dark shades.

      And Angelica was internally eternally grateful that the soft-spoken woman couldn't see the heart eyes she hid... or hear the way her heart rapped against her rib cage at just the mere sight.

     "Pretend you know me." The girl had voiced, shuffling a hand through passion twists. They curled down her back, a baby blue headband, knotted in the front, pushing them back and two lingered in front, framing a perfect face. She was overly blushed and smiling wide.

      And she had a button nose —Dios mio how Angelica loved button noses and perfectly arched eyebrows. But wait, they were arched almost worriedly, lines creasing over a perfect fucking forehead.

      Angelica furrowed her brows in response, tilting her head to the side and gave off a smile to calm the woman before her. She bit her lip, eyes darting behind her as if to make sure it was real.

      The girl next to her was beautiful, so beautiful that Angelica could barely catch her breath. She hadn't felt this way since Naomi Campbell's 1995 Vogue España cover.

Jesus H Christ— this woman looked straight out of a catalogue with curves encased in jean shorts and a cropped jean vest that somehow only she could pull off. Air Max 97s graced delicate feet and she had an anklet the same silver as her body chain wrapped around a thin waist.

      God, how she loved body chains. "Okay... hi." And yes, she was proud she was able to get through that sentence without stuttering.

Okay, it wasn't a sentence but it still counts.

      High cheekbones glistened on sun kissed skin, big hoop earrings, full glossy lips and a nose ring sitting pretty on a dainty, button nose. Her skin was clear, it nearly golden and Angelica couldn't help but stare, perking right up and perfectly okay heading the opposite direction of her car.

"Hi." The girl giggled, it unexpected but soft, something about her felt almost jazzy.

Her brown eyes scrunching at the sides distracted Angelica from that thought— any thought. She batted her lashes then, turning a bit and pulled away. Flipping those twists over her shoulder, Angelica kept a close eye on the manicured nails, her hands were also so small and dainty, everything about this girl felt delicate.

And that had never been her type. She's never been into women so feminine but she was so completely entrapped, intrigued... so much so that she was in awe.

Biting her lip, she tried not to smile too wide, tried not to showcase just how attracted she was, Angelica was thankful for the shades hiding her wide eyes. "Men rarely take a hint, sorry."

And that, she understood completely.

She could've smiled, could've nodded and left it at that but the girl's hand was still on her wrist and Angelica knew she'd regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't try.

"Honestly, I just tell them I'm gay." She offered with a nod, trying to gage a reaction, hiking her bag further up her shoulder.

The girl beside her let a small smile fall onto her flawless face and Angelica had to take a breath before introducing herself, hoping this was a sign.

"I'm Angie..." She paused, the girl nodding, eyes scanning her, and Angelica's brows knitted together unaware of what to make of that, "you know, you could give me your name too, just to be polite."

And your number. Please, please give me your number.

The girl across from her just smiled, "They call me Honey," she answered. "And I'd say that but it somehow makes us more of a target."

Honey shrugged, biting at her plump bottom lip and Angie simultaneously struggled to understand what she meant by us and struggled to refrain from leaning forward and tugging the glossy brown flesh into her own mouth.

Fuck— Was that an us us? Or an... us?

"Men love a challenge, I guess." She offered.

"I guess." Honey responded, twirling a twist around her fingertips and Angelica would've said more. She wouldn't have bit her tongue if Honey had stayed. Normally she was the one to get hit on, normally a few subtle glances would've sufficed.

I guess as in she doesn't know cause she doesn't like men? Does she like men?

Honey just nodded, smiling softly and maybe it was a friendly one and she was just insanely sexy by nature. Or maybe her look was a bit sultry and Angie was bad at taking hints. "Well, thank you, Angie." And the way Angie rolled off her tongue almost made Angelica want to go to church again.

Made her want to sit in a pew and whisper Honey's name like a prayer. Or whimper it late at night— the way she licked her lips was nearly sinful.

And in the time they had been talking, Honey had ended up in front of her, as if she was aware of the attraction, she was smirking, it playing along full lips.

Angie was stunned, only offering yet another nod and a smile before they went their separate ways.

Honey turned to leave, leaving Angie dazed. And seconds before reaching the end of the sidewalk, she turned back, Angelica's eyes still on her. Honey was a good few paces away and she stopped as she met the corner, turning to look over her shoulder.

And she smirked, it small yet sultry and completely, definitely on purpose.

december 7th, 2019.
coming 2020.

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