EXO ot12~ How you get together (Zodiac)

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Zodiac: How you get together/who your with

♒Aquarius: Chanyeol: You guys met at a fare. You couldn't win a game to get the prize you wanted, and he noticed. So, he came over and helped you win the prize. You guys then spent the rest of the time together. At the end of the day, he asked, "Can I get your number? I would love to see you again." From then on, you have been inseparable.

♓Pisces: Tao: You met at the zoo. You were looking at the pandas together. You guys were there with a mutual friend. After the trip, you got to know him more. You eventually developed a crush on him. Then at a party, you confessed to each other.

♈Aries: Xiumin: You met at a party. You were attending it with your best friend, and he was there. Then, you saw him again at weekly karaoke (you do it every week with your friends). You guys kept seeing each other. Eventually, you finally talked with him. Then he got your number, then you both started hanging out, then he developed a crush on you, then finally asked you out.

♉Taurus: Luhan: You were a photographer. He happened to have a photoshoot and you were the photographer. He had been scheduled with you for 2 weeks. He was always flirting with you and joking around with you. Then he asked you on a date. From then on, you guys have been in love.

♊Gemini: Chen: He was at vocal practice, coming up for some songs for his solo album. You were the pianist. You became the official pianist there, so you saw him a lot. Eventually, you both became very close. He would always tell jokes, sing with you, mess around with you, compliment you, and anything that makes your heart race. Then one day, he just kisses you. Which lead both of you to confess.

♋Cancer: Baekhyun: You met him on an online game. You were playing online with him, and you beat him. He was so surprised that a girl beat him. He eventually started partnering up with you in games. Both of you, being amazing at the games! Being online, he got to see your face, and hear your voice, but he never met you. You both found out that you lived in the same area and he really wanted to meet you. You guys began meeting up and playing in real life with each other. You went to his house to play, he went yours, etc. You both became the most powerful gaming couple. You fell in love. 😍

♌Leo: Lay: You wanted to take some dancing classes. He was the teacher. Knowing him, he probably tried to flirt with you multiple times. Also, he did a sexy dance with you. Eventually, you actually became really good at dancing, thanks to him. But you began to notice that you went there everytime. Never missed a day. It was because of him. You couldn't believe you fell for your dance teacher. Little did you know, he fell for you too.

♍Virgo: D.O: Best Friends to Lovers. You guys were friends since little kids. You grew up together, and you witnessed his growth. You know pretty much everything about him. Except one thing, he fell for you. Although, you do find out. You were playing a game of truth or dare in your room because he was staying the night. (sleepover!) You asked, "Who is your crush?" He bluntly answered, "You." He then explained everything and you guys became a couple!

♎Libra: Kris (For you Sam): You meet at a masquerade ball. You both are wearing masks, so you have no idea who anyone is. You end up dancing with him the whole night. But sadly, you have to leave. One day while you were walking to a cafe, you bumped into a man. You don't know why, but he seemed familiar. You looked him over while he was apologizing for bumping into you. You remember his eyes. It was the guy you danced with. "Is that you? Were you at the masquerade ball 2 weeks ago. Were you wearing a red blazer and a black lace mask?" His eyes widened and he nodded. "How did you know?" You were so glad. "I was that girl that danced with you. I was the one who left early. Remember me?" He smiled, "Of course I do. I couldn't stop thinking about you." From this day forward, you have been side by side, he is the love of your life.

♏Scorpio: Kai: You came to volunteer at a children's hospital and read books to them. He was also there. You guys started doing it together every week (so sweet). He was so good with kids, it warmed your heart everytime you visited those kids. You and Kai started meeting up every week to discuss things to do with the children and always hung out. Even the children shipped you too. You both eventually got together, but still visiting the kids every week.

♐Sagittarius: Sehun: Prom. He asked you to prom, and that's how you guys got together. He stood under the beautiful blossom tree with a single pink rose and said, "Will you go to prom with me?" Of course you said yes. The night of prom, you both looked amazing! Then he slow-dances with you and he's blushing the whole time. He's had a crush on you for forever. Later that night he asked the question, "Will you be mine?"

♑Capricorn: Suho: Met at a cafe. There were no seats left in the cafe and you politely asked to sit next to him. Of course, he accepted. You guys began to talk with each other. You sat there talking for hours, forgetting about the world. It was only you two in that moment. Eventually, he snatches your phone number, and within a month, he snatches your heart too.


Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for any mistakes.

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