Chapter two - Misty

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Chapter II

Donna S.

Misty D'Entremont

I flailed my arms around my night table as I tried to locate my alarm clock, the deafening beep that rang through the room was like a hot knife through butter and it made me cringe. After a little beeping it turned into loud music that played from the radio. That was even worse I hated this song. Confounded alarm clock, where WAS it? Finally my hand made contact with the cool plastic as I was about to swing my hand back under the covers again, the hard blow sent the alarm clock off the table and onto the ground with a crash. I groaned underneath my warm covers and sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking down at the what was now a dead alarm clock. Lovely. I smirked. Mark another point up on the board! Misty vs Alarm clock, Misty is the new champion for this morning! Now I just needed to figure out where I could get a new alarm clock. No matter how much I hated it, I relied on the thing to make sure I didn't miss classes, or most importantly breakfast. I peeled my blankets away from me and twisted around to place my feet on the cool wood floor of the room.

A shiver ran up my spine from the sudden cold and I yawned, standing up and stretching my hands high above my head and then trudging drowsily towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. One look at myself in the mirror made me grimace, my hair wasn't the most attractive sight when I first woke up in the mornings. I splashed cool water on my face to wake me up a bit more and then proceeded to brush my teeth and get together my things for the day before I stepped into the shower and allowed myself to relax under the hot water. After about 17 minutes I had taken a nice shower, gotten dressed in a navy American Eagle tank top with lace around the edge, and a matching checkered button up t-shirt with a collar, jean shorts that ended 2 inches above my jeans, dark blue converse, and a gray Hollister sweatshirt . I pulled my hair up into a sloppy bun and snuggled into my warm sweater. I jammed my cell phone into my pocket and headed out the door.

I made my way towards the cafeteria and leaned against the wall as I got into the long line. I hoped it wasn't going to be too long.. 3 minutes...7 minutes... 10 minutes... 6 minutes.. my stomach twisted hungrily inside of me. If I didn't get my hands on food quickly my stomach would turn inside out and eat me! I watched with a raised eyebrow as three guys walked up towards the front of the line to meet their buddies.

"Hey.. you! No not you! YOU! Yes you, you there with the face!!" I said exasperatedly, flailing my arms around, trying to get one of their attention. "Get to the back of the line!! I've been waiting here for about 17 minutes to get my breakfast, and so help me if ONE more person cuts into this line, I swear I will karate chop them and dump them on their butt and make them wish they hadn't woken up this morning!" The guy looked at me as if I was joking and I sent him an icy glare which seemed to get the message across and make him sulkily move out of line and walk to the back, him and his two buddies following. Some people cast me glances of amusement, and I smirked, what can I say, I'm grouchy when I don't get my breakfast. My stomach twisted inside me. I glanced impatiently at my watch.

"Sheesh, what takes them so long? All they have to do is dump food on a plate, hand it over then do the same with the next person, it's really not rocket science!" I complained to Clarissa who was standing beside me, giggling and covering her mouth with her hand. I looked over at her and felt a smile pull across my face. "Hey I warned you, I'm not the quiet patient girl I seemed to be when you first met me.. I'm kinda loud, and hyper, and weird.. random as well..maybe a little crazy, or psycho... When I don't have my breakfast that is.." I laughed and moved up as two other kids got their breakfast and ran off. It was about eight, and they serve breakfast from 7:30 till around 10.. I think, I'm not really sure because, I get here around 8, and am usually done around 8:15 to 8:20, then I go out and play a little soccer, then off to classes.

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